I currently have a sprinting mechanic that goes through a ValidationHandler which ensures the Player is actually allowed to sprint. One such form of Validation is a short debounce, although this isn’t necessary for sprinting, I’ve made sure that the Handler can account for edge cases such as this where certain mechanics don’t have debounces.
However an issue I’m facing is that the tick() values don’t match up to what should be happening in-game. In fact, it works perfectly fine in studio.
Extra details about the images below:
Cooldown: The debounce which I was talking about earlier, this is fine
Current Time: The value of tick() at that moment
Previous Time: The last time the player sprinted (Should logically be smaller than Current Time)
Time Difference: The difference of Current Time and Previous Time (Should be >= 0.25 in order to sprint)
Alt Time Difference: Don’t mind this, just some debugging stuff