Ticket giver GUI help

Hello Devs!

I am currently making a game called Climbiez, and by the time it is released it will hopefully be the first Climbing Centre roleplay game. However, I am only a beginner scripter and I want to have a simple ticket giver, that Receptionist’s can use to give types of tickets to customers.

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

Me: sits in reception chair
opens a gui on screen with options to select the type of climbing session and type the username of the customer
Me: selects type of climbing session and types username
Customer: receives ticket and can then get through the waiting room door

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

The issue is that I do not know where the tickets would come from…I tried Replicated Storage but I didn’t know where to go from there…

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

Yes, but there arent any topics about it yet.

I am writing this post to see if there is a simpler way to make this system.

Thanks for any advice!

Is the ticket like a GUI or is it a tool?

A tool! It’s just a normal brick with some detail.

I do like the idea! But I would need some time to explain and do the stuff. Thanks for the patience!

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Of course! At this point, anything helps.

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Hello, @goldmannnn123! Can you Private Message me, as I have some work so, I’ll let you know when I make a tutorial!

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