About Me
Hello there! May I present myself, I am Tiji0, a humble programmer/scripter that recently decided to learn how to make games here on roblox. While I am fairly new and inexperienced in this domain, I believe I’m able to offset this by my many years of practical experience in other programming languages (javascript, python, java, C/C++). As time grows I only hope to continue solidifying my knowledge in all things roblox scripting.
Here are the various projects I have worked on over time.
Inventory and shop system
A system that keeps track of a player’s funds and inventory and allows to buy and sell various items through a shop. To be noted that this was accomplished in around 10 days after starting to learn Roblox Studio for the first time at a rate of 1-3 hours a day. Hopefully this can attest to my ability to learn things quick.
I’ve also provided aid for others in debugging their games, but that is sadly not something that’s really presentable here.
A mixture of school and work leaves me only available for at most 3 hours on weekdays, and more depending on needs during the weekends.
Prices are negotiable (and preferably in robux), while I do enjoy making something out of my work, at the end of the day I’m not here to make a career out of this and want to have fun and learn new things, so I don’t intend to be really stingy here. However, I do not prefer to be paid only by profits percentage and would like to receive a flat ammount for safety reasons.
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum if you’d like. I do have also have a discord for further discussions, I just don’t want to leave it open for anyone to contact. Hit me up first here in DMs and if there’s reason to properly talk I’ll happily share it with you.
Thanks for reading!