Tile-Based Movement?

Hey, and thanks for reading in advance.

I’m attempting to add a function to a module that returns a list of all possible cells (assuming no obstructions occur) that are within range that the player can move to from a given cell, and for the given example, I’m assuming the player can move two cells in any combination of directions.

Trouble is, the number of permutations goes up exponentially as you add on more ‘movement points’ to the character, and I’m having trouble thinking of how to create a loop that goes through every single possibility.


local PS = game:GetService("PhysicsService")
local CS = game:GetService("CollectionService")

local TerrainParams = RaycastParams.new()
TerrainParams.CollisionGroup = "Default"

local TileLibrary = {}

TileLibrary.WORLD_HEIGHT = 0
TileLibrary.WORLD_OFFSET = Vector2.new(2, 2)
TileLibrary.TILE_AREA = Vector2.new(4, 4)
function TileLibrary:TileVector(x, y, height)
	local Plane = (Vector2.new(x, y) * TileLibrary.TILE_AREA) + TileLibrary.WORLD_OFFSET
	local Vector = Vector3.new(Plane.X, height or TileLibrary.WORLD_HEIGHT, Plane.Y)
	local FloorCheck = workspace:Raycast(
		Vector + Vector3.new(0, 495, 0),
		Vector3.new(0, -500, 0),
	if FloorCheck and FloorCheck.Instance then
		Vector = Vector3.new(Plane.X, FloorCheck.Position.Y, Plane.Y)
	return Vector

function TileLibrary:NearestTile(Vector)
	local snapTo = Vector2.new(
		math.floor(Vector.X / TileLibrary.TILE_AREA.X),
		math.floor(Vector.Y / TileLibrary.TILE_AREA.Y)
	return TileLibrary:TileVector(
		snapTo.X, Vector.Y, snapTo.Y

function TileLibrary:ConstructCircle(x, y, radius)
	local tileCoordinates = {}
	-- Code Here
	return tileCoordinates

return TileLibrary

Does anyone have any ideas I could try? Any help or advice is appreciated.


Any node reachable in N steps is one step away from a node that’s reachable from N - 1 steps. Following that logic, you can go from nodes reachable in 0 steps (the start node) to any number of steps away from the start node. I’m assuming the player can go back and forth in a move and that you’re also interested in nodes reachable by retreading steps, e.g. 2 moves allows going back to the start node.

function getNodeAt(position)
    --Implement this
    --Note: ensure that subsequent calls to getNodeAt(position) evaluate to references to the same object!
    --The returned value must be usable as a dictionary key!
    --    I.e. dictionary[getNodeAt(pos)] == dictionary[getNodeAt(pos)] must work!

function getNeighbors(node)
    return {
        --Add more for diagonal movement
        getNodeAt(node.Position - Vector3.new(1, 0, 0)),
        getNodeAt(node.Position + Vector3.new(1, 0, 0)),
        getNodeAt(node.Position - Vector3.new(0, 0, 1)),
        getNodeAt(node.Position + Vector3.new(0, 0, 1))

function keys(t)
    local keys = {}
    for k, _ in pairs(t) do
        table.insert(keys, k)
    return keys

function getReachableNodesInSteps(fromNodes, numSteps)
    if numSteps == 0 then
        return fromNodes
        local reachableInFewer = getReachableNodesInSteps(fromNodes, numSteps - 1)
        local reachableDict = {} --Use a dictionary so that duplicates just overwrite with same value
        for _, r in ipairs(reachableInFewer) do
            for _, n in ipairs(getNeighbors(r)) do
                reachable[n] = true --Duplicates overwrite with same value
        return keys(reachableDict)

getReachableNodes({startNode}, 10)

This is a pretty naive implementation, so there will almost certainly be faster/more clever solutions out there but it should work. I’m not sure, but I think the reachable nodes will always be in a pattern of diamonds alternating between reachable and not reachable, which might be one avenue of optimization.

If you don’t care about tiles reachable by retracing steps, you’ll want to use a different algorithm. Essentially just a breadth-first flood fill where you note for each node how many steps it took to get there, which you compute by adding 1 to however many steps it took to get to the previous node. Let me know if that’s more relevant and I can provide more details on that.


If you don’t care about tiles reachable by retracing steps, you’ll want to use a different algorithm. Essentially just a breadth-first flood fill where you note for each node how many steps it took to get there, which you compute by adding 1 to however many steps it took to get to the previous node. Let me know if that’s more relevant and I can provide more details on that.

Hey, thanks for the response!

This is to re-create the movement system for a game called Horizon’s Gate. Orientation is mechanically relevant in it, and the game draws an arrow from your initial position that follows the path, showing your orientation after moving. This display updates per-tile as you move your mouse, essentially allowing you to ‘draw’ your movement path. Backtracking to a tile isn’t technically possible, as the game will re-calculate to produce the shortest path available to the selected tile in order to help you conserve your movement points.

Hope that clarifies things. Thanks for your help!

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Yeah it clarifies it a bit, but I’m still not really sure what you’re going for. Could you pust an image or a diagram or something?

Essentially, yes - the alternative breadth-first flood-fill algorithm you mentioned is relevant.

Sorry, I misremembered the ‘arrow’ part - that only applies to ship battles. Here’s an actual example of the ground combat we’re replicating:

As you can see, selecting a character shows you all the tiles you can possibly move to, and hovering over a space highlights the tiles you would need to traverse to get there.

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Cool, here’s how that can be implemented:

function getReachableNodesInSteps(fromNodes, numSteps)
    --Nodes we that we need to visit
    local openSet = fromNodes --You might want to make a copy of fromNodes, this function *will* modify it! --Reachable node -> distance dictionary
    local nodesDistances = {}
    --node -> reachable dictionary, where reachable is true of reachable or nil if not reachable
    local reachableNodes = {}
    while #openSet > 0 do
        --Taking the bottom node causes all subsequent nodes to be shifted down, which is slow. Gotta get the first-found nodes though, to ensure breadth-first!
        local node = openSet[1]
        table.remove(openSet, 1)
        --Register as reachable
        reachableNodes[node] = true
        --Check if we should visit neighbors
        local nodeDistance = nodesDistances[node] or 0
        if nodeDistance == numSteps then continue end --Don't include neighbors if we're already at numSteps distance
        --Register neighbors to be visited
        for _, neighbor in ipairs(getNeighbors(node)) do
            if not reachableNodes[neighbor] then --This neighbor might have been visited by some other node, so make sure we don't run any side effects twice (in this case prevent overwriting nodesDistances)!
                --This allows openSet to contain duplicates! It's OK though because of the previous if statement, preventing nodeDistances from being overwritten
                table.insert(openSet, neighbor)
                nodesDistances[neighbor] = nodeDistance + 1

    return keys(reachableNodes) --Turn the node -> bool dict into a node list

I haven’t tested this so it might have some errors, let me know if there are any that you need help fixing ^.^

I think I might be mis-using this, here…


Here’s what I’ve got:

local PS = game:GetService("PhysicsService")
local CS = game:GetService("CollectionService")

local TerrainParams = RaycastParams.new()
TerrainParams.CollisionGroup = "Default"

function keys(t)
	local keys = {}
	for k,_ in pairs(t) do
		table.insert(keys, k)
	return keys

local TileLibrary = {}

TileLibrary.WORLD_HEIGHT = 0
TileLibrary.WORLD_OFFSET = Vector2.new(2, 2)
TileLibrary.TILE_AREA = Vector2.new(4, 4)
function TileLibrary:TileVector(x, y, height)
	local Plane = (Vector2.new(x, y) * TileLibrary.TILE_AREA) + TileLibrary.WORLD_OFFSET
	local Vector = Vector3.new(Plane.X, height or TileLibrary.WORLD_HEIGHT, Plane.Y)
	local FloorCheck = workspace:Raycast(
		Vector + Vector3.new(0, 495, 0),
		Vector3.new(0, -500, 0),
	if FloorCheck and FloorCheck.Instance then
		Vector = Vector3.new(Plane.X, FloorCheck.Position.Y, Plane.Y)
	return Vector

function TileLibrary:GetTileAt(Vector)
	local snapTo = Vector2.new(
		math.floor(Vector.X / TileLibrary.TILE_AREA.X),
		math.floor(Vector.Z / TileLibrary.TILE_AREA.Y)
	return TileLibrary:TileVector(
		snapTo.X, Vector.Y, snapTo.Y

function TileLibrary:GetNeighbors(Tile)
	return {
		TileLibrary:GetTileAt(Tile - Vector3.new(TileLibrary.TILE_AREA.X, 0, 0)),
		TileLibrary:GetTileAt(Tile + Vector3.new(TileLibrary.TILE_AREA.X, 0, 0)),
		TileLibrary:GetTileAt(Tile - Vector3.new(0, 0, TileLibrary.TILE_AREA.Y)),
		TileLibrary:GetTileAt(Tile + Vector3.new(0, 0, TileLibrary.TILE_AREA.Y))

function TileLibrary:GetReachableTilesInSteps(fromTiles, numSteps)
	local openSet = fromTiles
	local TilesDistances = {}
	local reachableTiles = {}

	while #openSet > 0 do
		local Tile = openSet[1]
		table.remove(openSet, 1)
		reachableTiles[Tile] = true

		local TileDistance = TilesDistances[Tile] or 0
		if TileDistance == numSteps then

		for _,neighbor in ipairs(TileLibrary:GetNeighbors(Tile)) do
			if not reachableTiles[neighbor] then
				table.insert(openSet, neighbor)
				TilesDistances[neighbor] = TileDistance + 1

	return keys(reachableTiles)

return TileLibrary
-- Separate ServerScript
local TileCalculator = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.WORLD_TILE_CALC)
local OriginTile = TileCalculator:GetTileAt(Vector3.new(2, 2, 2))

local tileSet = TileCalculator:GetReachableTilesInSteps({OriginTile}, 2)

for key,tile in pairs(tileSet) do
	local block = Instance.new("Part")
	block.Size = Vector3.new(4, 4, 4)
	block.Anchored = true; block.CanCollide = false
	block.Position = tile + Vector3.new(0, block.Size.Y / 2, 0)
	block.Parent = workspace

Oh sorry, you should modify GetNeighbors to only return neighbors that are actually traversible, or otherwise have another check inside the neighbors loop to ensure inaccessible neighbors don’t get added to the open set.

Hey, good news - the misnomer was on my end.
Everything looks about as expected here!

One final question for you:
The idea is for (like in the sample image) the player to pick a legal cell with their mouse to move into, which is server-validated easily enough. When this happens, however, I’d like to make it so that the travel path will be highlighted - I.E. the blue cell display will brighten on each cell that is a member of the path.

Would I need to use Djikstra’s algorithm or something similar to accomplish this?

I did something like this before with the Dijkstra algorithm. I used welds as the edges connecting the vertices in the graph. There’s a very useful video about the algorithm here.