I’ve been building in studio for several years now, and I’ve always run into a problem when it comes into adding textures to the surface of MOST unions.
If you’ve ever dealt with Roblox building, you’ll know that when you have a regular part, there’s a highlight around the part, and even if you turn this single part into a union, it stays the same.
This means that if you were to add a texture, the texture would be straightened out, and would be just how you want it.
However, if you add a part that is at a different angle, or if you negate the part at a weird angle, it will change the angle of the angle of the highlight around the part, which in turn will angle the texture in the same way, it seems that the textures orientation depends on the parts highlights.
So, My first question; Is there a way to fix the highlighting bug, as it also effects the operation of the scale tool, as the scale tool will position itself based on the highlights too.
And although this is a problem, it doesn’t affect me as much as the fact that the textures will change with it, so if there’s no way to change the highlighting problem, is there a way to make the textures NOT depend on the highlights, and make the textures straighten out and be what is intended.
Please, let me know ASAP! (I’ve been coping with this for years and I’ve had enough😭).
Thank you!
(The title is not a Fortnite pun)