Timeless Valkyrie Crown is incorrectly positioned and oriented

I think this should be reconsidered, not only will it lead to a much larger amount of sales on the bundle, it will fit the theme of Classic of which it was intended for in the first place. There’s a viable solution on this post by @Synween

Every other Valkyrie with that mesh/or similar all have identical positioning. It should also be done for consistency reasons. All of the Valks below fit the exact same, why should this one be different at the expense of fitting a specific head, which already has been proven to work with the default head too? :x

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There is nothing(other than the heads) rthro about both packages.

This further proves the “I have no idea what the community wants” mindset that all new Roblox workers have. They have no understanding of the website, how it works, what should be done to actually improve the website for their playerbase and countless other reasons.

With the majority of all original workers no longer working for the company, which does not come at a surprise, maybe listening to something as simple as “fixing the position of the hat” would make everybody who unknowingly buys the bundle not knowing that it does not properly fit, actually happy that they purchased it as it can become wearable. As it stands now, this is a useless purchase as it does not fit anything outside of the head that comes with the bundle.

@Synween provided an easy fix for this bundle that benefits both parties; those who want the classic head and those who want the new head.

Take in consideration that this would greatly improve the bundle and likely promote more sales for this.


This further proves “I demand something I’m not entitled to” attitude, you act like an administrator, or literally anyone else who runs the platform is up to you’re demand which isn’t true in the slightest, “take in consideration” the fact they do tons of work alone and just because of one isolated incident it’s suddenly “when your goat is washed :broken_heart:”, this was marked as not a bug and what you’re saying would be considered a feature request, take the “request” part with full consideration.

Just because it doesn’t generally fit heads doesn’t mean it can’t be used with accessories it’s not the end of the world, thanks. People use it and are still using it, just because you feel like you’re speaking for a majority of people doesn’t mean you are, a ton of people wear the hat and that’s not for you to decide whether it should be changed, once again.

I count over 70+ purchases from people who actually wear the Valkyrie.

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It’s not as easy as that, either the hat attachments have to be moved around on the bundle which requires modifying the bundle which most likely requires higher up approval and another QA pass which takes up resources, or move the attachment on the hat which requires the same steps.

Also, that is just a short term solution which may not be needed when accessories being able to be moved around is coming in the near future, which would solve all problems related to attachment positioning.

It is as easy as it looks, it does not take much effort to fix something as simple as this. To their minds, why fix something if the stakeholders are already happy regardless of not making as much profit as they could’ve by putting a simple fix in place. They’ve done it in the past and still do it to this day. This is an excuse to not fix something.

Nowhere near a demand, more so a request to fix a hat as it does not fit anything other than the provided bundle. Employees have fixed request like these plenty of times in the past and still do it to this day. Not sure where a “demand” comes in to play in your mind but if you want to believe that to be the slightest bit of true, have at it.

70 out of… possibly thousands of purchases…? Expensive items will attract people to purchase them for the sole purpose of being expensive.

You do realize not everyone is completely interested in purchasing specific embeds, there could be thousands of thousands of owners, your just not in you’re right to see who owns what.

You started a man-child whining session because they didn’t wanna fix something you likely don’t own which has basically nothing wrong with the way it already is, you made it a whole historical whining session about previous employees and all that junk about how Roblox is stupid and isn’t that good anymore, it’s just an offset hat, calm down.

It’s 1 problem and suddenly the company is in shambles and your the only one who knows best, please get a grip, you know nothing of the internalized workings of Roblox so don’t you dare comment on something they likely had a good reason to deny, it isn’t their job to explain to you in baby terms why something isn’t going to happen, maybe, just maybe, you could wait for the so called accessory positioning update, and do it yourself, you don’t have to be totally rude to staff that are just doing what they can, your lucky they even listen at all.


Irrelevant, adds nothing to what was being discussed.

If you consider that a “man-child whining session” for discussing a topic, please refer to all others complaining about it as a “man-child” as well.

Having signed an NDA under Roblox previously and have been on the website much longer, unsure what place you have in speaking to this but feel free to explain, I’d be interested in hearing it.

The main fault in your argument is confirmation bias. If someone buys something, it doesn’t mean that they accept the current condition of it. Remember some of these buyers are children, and they don’t have a voice on the forum. Also, some users don’t try on an accessory before they purchase it; They see that it’s Valkyrie and assume that it will fit like a traditional Valkyrie. This results in them purchasing something that they didn’t realize has limitations. Realistically, a user will still wear an accessory (most likely with addons) even if they don’t like how it looks in order to get their money’s worth (in this case, ~$200 USD). I can personally relate to this situation by owning the Dominus Formidulosus and experiencing issues with it before it was partially fixed.

This category is partly for art issues with Roblox-created accessories, so some of the reports in it will be subjective to some degree. If technical issues were only reported, there wouldn’t be a way to report issues with accessories in terms of aesthetics. We have the right to post constructive criticism. Personally, I strive to help the Avatar Team make accessories look their best.

P.S. Ad hominem attacks only reduce the credibility of your arguments. Also, picking a fight with someone on a bug report is frowned upon and unprofessional.

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The item itself does not cost 200, it costs around 150 to purchase, people most likely accept the current condition of the item if they care enough to view what it looks like, which is most likely 90% of users who take a peek at it (as it genuinely costs a bit of money), don’t mention children like you act like they have the absolute money from their parents to afford such an investment, this is absolutely irrelevant as its most likely near a mere 1% of people who purchased being a “child”.

I’m aware everything is subjective and people have a right to their own opinions, nothing about what he said was generally constructive, it was extremely destructive, as he was basically insulting the entire staff team by mentioning how based on this one issue that isn’t going to be resolved he thought he should mention how Roblox is “out of touch”,

This further proves the “I have no idea what the community wants” mindset

and for absolutely no reason and being extremely irrelevant to the general issue at hand, mentioned how if the fact that the original employees were still on the platform, this issue wouldn’t even be a thing, which is still even if alittle, insulting the work all the current staff members do for Roblox,

With the majority of all original workers no longer working for the company, which does not come at a surprise, maybe listening to something as simple as “fixing the position of the hat”

even despite saying he’s had “personal experience within Roblox”, has absolutely no idea how Roblox works and if this may disrupt future plans, has to be first checked out, or anything of the sort, times change and even if he’s “been on Roblox longer than me”, which is petty and irrelevant, he should be aware that things don’t stay the same and things may not work the way he believes they do.

Having signed an NDA under Roblox previously and have been on the website much longer, unsure what place you have in speaking to this but feel free to explain, I’d be interested in hearing it.

It’s very, very unprofessional to outright insult staff members because they won’t fix a small issue, if someone feels the need to be disrespectful to people who are actually willing to listen, then I feel like they deserve the same treatment back, and this report has been closed, so it’s not considered a bug at this time, which he should’ve accepted, you can’t make something subjective that’s already been decided.


Guy, He paid for the bundle, so did plenty others. I think they’re at least “Entitled” to the information that “Hey, this hat isn’t going to fit on the default head like EVERY other valk released before has.”

The fact that you’re going leaps and bounds to defend a corporation who does NOT care about you is interesting.

Perhaps though Roblox should add a refund system, where you can refund 3-5 clothing or gamepasses within a time window, per year. Seeing as how many games nowadays offer the option to refund cosmetics a certain amount of times per year exists, I see no reason for Roblox to not share a similar system (You even already get refunds when UGC items are moderated).

I’m sure me and many others have been burned on non-functioning gamepasses before too, so the option to refund those within 30 minutes or an hour would be great considering there’s pretty much nothing you can do otherwise, and gamepasses can get pretty pricey.


To help the Avatar Team decide if they should reconsider this report, I’ve decided to post a poll. This poll will provide another way for visitors and those who haven’t posted to voice their opinion. Also, it has a neutral question to avoid the wording effect. I encourage everyone to vote regardless if you’re in favor or against. Please note that if the majority vote in favor, it doesn’t guarantee that it will reconsidered. However, just because this report is marked as closed, doesn’t mean that it can’t be reconsidered.

Should the Timeless Valkyrie Crown’s position be changed?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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I don’t know what your problem is. Do you like to argue (you’ve done this before on the report for the “Ten Million Robux Man” for no reason)? I like how you just cherry picked my statements without acknowledging the valid potential scenarios that I provided. Unless you have access to the demographic of the Timeless Valkyrie Crown’s sales, you can’t make statements with outlandish percentages (“90%” and “1%” are pretty extreme). These percentages are borderline providing false hope for your argument.


Because what you stated really isn’t a bug report, the R6 version of that bundle is genuinely just like that, and always has been, did you think it just one day decided to have skin? It’s added manually, you can submit a #feature-requests regarding that, but generally it isn’t a bug.

The most I can provide is the fact people purchase add-ons to the Valkyrie, I can’t stalk official assets, and the fact people do purchase add-ons still shows the fact that people purchase it, I don’t really have to provide any kind of genuine charting for a “how many children purchase” scale, as this should just be common sense, why would a child have 150 dollars to purchase this Valkyrie, what you’re assuming is very unreasonable, and I would hope to assume people would genuinely check what they purchase first, which is still something that it seems most people lack inside of this thread, as that really just devalues their entire statement because they got themselves into something they couldn’t even do a basic look around on.

I acknowledged a great deal and read through it so I could reply to it all, I mentioned 90% due to the fact I would generally assume people to have looked over an expensive purchase before inevitably buying, that feels like common sense. (as mentioned above)

I have a right to speech, as do you when you decided to complain as if the major opinion decides the fate of this “closed” bug report, you can’t devalue my statements as you believe yours are more righteous which is factually deniable, you can’t “re-decide” as you genuinely believe, there’s no repeat, and you’re going to be breaking the rules by making repeat reports, you have no real standing and it’s over, I hope you one day realize the accessory fitting update is exactly what you need and to actually wait your turn instead of being impatient and annoying to staff who already denied this report.

I want you to further realize this horrible error as we go back to this next “suggestion”


This is horrible, if you couldn’t tell, it even less fits the actual Valkyrie, and looks generally awful from behind, the fact is that the person who made it only considered the front view, which is wrong, it’s going to look as “bad as it did from the front” but worse.


Pushing this further, this is how it would look pushed upwards, which isn’t that good, and I would rather have the Valkyrie not shrank just for you’re demands, rather it’s fine in the position it is, which shows most of you genuinely never tried to use this hat ever as it’s absolutely fine with hair, and other accessories, it just feels like baseless complaining when it’s not even been used for even a second, I would rather you discuss why you feel the need for this to be a bug-report, but it’s not needed, and you shouldn’t press any of this further to me, or any of the staff.

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It’s not Roblox’s job to give you a refund on something you obviously should’ve scoped out before purchasing, there’s a multitude of extensions that actually show you a 3D rendition of you’re avatar wearing said item, even a basic icon view of what you’re avatar may look like wearing said asset if you even bother to look at “Try On”, which is built-into the platform, which kind of makes you a chud since you should genuinely take a peek at what you buy before you purchase something, as this is a very expensive purchase and you’re just going to purchase it with no prior review? That just sounds like stupidity, not a them problem.

Just because I feel the need to not endlessly slander something that doesn’t deserve it doesn’t mean anything, I hope you realize you’re just being bias for no reason against a platform that’s trying it’s hardest.

I myself have purchased this bundle and actively use the Valkyrie, I don’t see why something I say may not be even more of value as in the fact I have styled this Valkyrie instead of complaining what it looks like without any accessories equipped.

Your reactions are proving more and more hilariously outrageous as time goes on

Yeah you’re right, It’s not Roblox’s JOB to do that. It’s not their JOB to do anything, except… oh, wait… improving the player’s experience with the product.

Another thing that is Roblox’s responsibility (JOB) to produce as much revenue as possible for it’s many “hardworking”, as you would deem them, employees. Clearly the solution you so eagerly dismissed to defend the poor defenseless multi billion dollar company from, works; most games with cosmetics have the option to refund non-unique skins. Almost every brick and mortar store has a return policy for new items. Almost every major online retailer has a return policy for purchased items. The 3-Day escrow on sales is ALREADY a thing in Roblox as well. So don’t tell ME that they don’t have the bandwidth for an update like this.

This is why you shouldn’t open your mouth if you don’t know what you’re talking about. Yes-men like you who validate every little thing Roblox does or doesn’t do are the reason we never see any actual progress towards issues like these addressed.

So since you’re so QUALIFIED to tell everyone here what Roblox should and shouldn’t do, could you please debunk my previous point as to why almost every retailer worth their salt allows refunding, but somehow this wouldn’t be viable for Roblox? I fail to see how all these other companies would have such a practice in place if it doesn’t somehow make them money in the long run. :slight_smile:


You took no read of what I just said, cherry picked it, and put it together like I’m awful, I could’ve said legitimately anything and you’d make it a me problem, I never said anything regarding what you’re accusing me of, once you get you’re little joker act together maybe we can talk, but until then please don’t just twist my words.

You edited your post 6 times. Sure.

And just as a little side note to this, I didn’t even buy the bundle. I’m just saying the people that did get burned should have been informed considering the package costs 200 dollars. So your little personal attacks of me being “Stupid” for not looking are irrelevant. You’re just not smart enough to make a real argument.