Timeless Valkyrie Crown is incorrectly positioned and oriented

You’re not smart enough to know when a battle isn’t yours, you didn’t even buy it so I don’t know why you decide you need to complain, this discussion should be limited to people who actually have experience within the items usage, as what else are you complaining about as an outsider who doesn’t even have the capacity for such a purchase, you’re entire thing was attempting to piggy-back off this thread for a refund system because you want one in general, not just because or centering this fact, you wanted to abuse this thread if it got any traction once again, you’re lacking any sort of common sense and just keep picking through what I’m saying to you, once again comb through it and respond to it reasonably, not picking through it.

I edit my posts when I make mistakes or add-on, it’s not that big of a deal.

Are we really doing this? We can do this if you want to go off the rails.

I’m done talking to you since you’ve decided to completely derail any possibility of constructive feedback in the thread with your childish personal attacks based on nothing.


If you don’t want it changed just because you uploaded addons for it just say so. Everyone but you agrees the current position is really bad and prevents many from buying the bundle. The current position covers too much of the face, the position should just be consistent with all the other valkyries, everyone can agree it works best.


That is not what I said, at all, go ahead and read out.

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You saying the current position is fine is all i need to hear


Because… it is? Have you never once attempted any kind of hats, this report is closed, what you need to hear, is that this isn’t going to be revived and to get over it, I hope this “TLDR” works for you.

You made the 2nd bad suggestion, I think I’d enjoy if the hat’s back actually hit my head instead of just floating on all sides, I hope you do realize it’s fine the way it is and you just need to actually wear hats.

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Yeah it’s a REALLY bad suggestion as everyone but you likes it, do you also enjoy the front completely covering the eyes? Is that great positioning? Have you ever heard a soul complain about the position of the OG valks? I don’t even know what you mean by that “you just need to actually wear hats” nonsense, the valk is literally unwearable for me, but okay buddy


Biggest meltdown of the century because you can’t see the characters eyes, big news, this isn’t going to be fixed no matter how much you complain to me or anyone else, I hope this helps you.

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Yeah it covers the eyes and it looks… horrible? Shocker? I’m obviously not gonna go much further into this because you’re not worth the time, but I think It’s definitely been pretty funny watching you defend the horrible positioning for the past few days. I guess you can just take any slop thats given to you.


I revived the bug report for the Dominus Formidulosus without any support in 2022, so we can revive this report. People thought I was crazy for trying to get Roblox to fix Form, but I was able to get it partially fixed through extensive advocacy. For those continuing to advocate for this to be fixed, I appreciate your overwhelming support! The lack of the team’s response to criticism and a feasible alternative solution is honestly disrespectful to me, Syn, and everyone who has expressed their distaste. I hope that the criticism in this report will be addressed soon, and we can reach a compromise!


I’m sure that report wasn’t closed, this report is closed, I hope you understand that, Roblox has a tendency to leave reports untouched, as that might have been the case for that, but you should also understand that accessory fitting is a thing which I’ve already previously mentioned, which you need to consider to be a future option instead of forcing a fix on something already decided.

I’m sure they aren’t trying to be disrespectful. It’s just harder for them to see relevant posts when certain actors decide to be completely reductive from the discussion.


I’m sorry to bump, but I just wanted to say that I won’t mark a solution for this report until (1) the criticism and alternative solution are considered and are professionally addressed, (2) the Avatar Editor is revamped, or (3) the Timeless Valkyrie Helm’s position is fixed. From the poll (80% [8/10] in favor), criticism, and engagements, it’s evident that a majority of users want the Timeless Valkyrie Helm’s position to be changed. I strongly recommend the team to reevaluate this report for that reason.