Timer adding extra unneeded numbers

I’m trying to make a game where you have to speedrun the Obby template multiple times. The timer glitches and adds unnecessary numbers, which would look bad in games.
robloxapp-20240803-1607519.wmv (1.2 MB)
What I’ve Tried:

  • Using a counter variable and then adding to it in a while loop.
  • Using integers
    • It works, but I want people to see their time to the thousandth.

Please help if you can

There are a few ways you can achieve that.

  • math.floor()
local Countdown = tick()-StartTick
local FloorTimer = math.floor(Countdown*100)/100

  • string.format
local Countdown = tick()-StartTick
local FormatTimer = string.format("%.02f", Countdown)
