Timer Output Error Confusing

So… I tried making the timer, but in the ValueManager it gives me an error.

If i dont put close the “then” at line 38 and the “end” at line 40, it gives me this error:

Screenshot 2021-06-19 185553

But if i close the “then” at line 38 and the “end” at line 40, it gives me this error:

Screenshot 2021-06-19 185809

here is the script:

The last portion of the script should be

VCE.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, TriggeredValue, Died)
	print(TriggeredValue, Died)
	if Died == "SetTime" then
		local Timer = Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui"):FindFirstChild("Timer")
		if Timer then
			Timer.TextLabel.Text = TriggeredValue