Timestamp issue

    local TimeStampInSeconds = 600

            for i = 1, TimestampInSeconds do
            local Timestamp = (DateTime.fromUnixTimestamp(TimestampInSeconds):FormatUniversalTime("mm:ss", "pt-br"))
            TimestampInSeconds -= 1
            Status.Value = "In-game: "..Timestamp
        until TimestampInSeconds == 0

This timestamp works correctly, but sometimes it glitches coming back to an old timestamp. Sometimes it’s at 5:12, then randomly comes back at 5:17, then 5:11 (all in one second). Can someone help me?

Are you sure there is no more scripts or threads running that affect that value?
Tbh I never used DateTime.fromUnixTimestamp, why not just do this using math?
And you don’t need to wrap your for loop into another loop. Script surely counts down to 0. You can modify it a bit so you don’t need to decrement original value. :slightly_smiling_face:

 local TimeStampInSeconds = 600

local function TimeToString(TimeStamp)

	local Minutes = math.floor(TimeStamp / 60)
	local Seconds = math.floor(TimeStamp % 60)

	return (Minutes < 10 and "0") or ""..Minutes..":"..(Seconds < 10 and "0") or ""..Seconds


for TimeLeft = TimeStampInSeconds, 0, -1 do
	local Timestamp = TimeToString(TimeLeft)

	print("In-game: "..Timestamp)

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Thanks for the help!
An error with your script in line 6 though: attempt to concatenate boolean with string.

Oops, forgot to add empty strings if minutes and seconds are +10, it’s fixed.

I feel stupid about this… Sorry.
I added back the task.wait. Try it.

local TimeStampInSeconds = 600

local function TimeToString(TimeStamp)
	return ("%.2d:%.2d"):format(math.floor(TimeStamp / 60), math.floor(TimeStamp % 60))

for TimeLeft = TimeStampInSeconds, 0, -1 do

	local Timestamp = TimeToString(TimeLeft)
	Status.Value = "In-game: "..Timestamp


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That means the script runs two times, did you connect this function to PlayerAdded? You should run it only once, or check if it’s not running already

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