Timing script to activate something in the game

I have little knowledge in coding with Lua on Roblox and I came up with the idea of having “satellites” fly over the map at a certain time of the day.

Something such as this;
checks time of day in a timezone, it’s for example “9pm”
script activates, causing satellite to appear from below the map and fly across the sky for a few minutes.

A bit like a script that’s used in live events, etc.

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And what do you need help with? What have you tried so far?

Have you tried making something? Have you tried searching it up on the forums? If your trying to make a live event there are some posts here.

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Like I know all languages. Only advanced web development.

I don’t understand what you are talking about. I asked you what have you tried so far to create that timing script, not how many languages you know.

If you code in Assembly, you and I need to be friends so you can code my calculator for me. lel