Hi, I’m making a race timing system and the script can be seen below. All the print statements print completely fine, and the script manages to add the player to the board, but it doesn’t seem to be changing the TextLabel properties.
-- Services
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
-- RemoteEvents
local UpdateBoard = ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("TimingEvents").UpdateBoard
-- GUI
local GUI = script.Parent
local TimingFrame = GUI.Frame.TimingFrame
local Template = TimingFrame.NameBoard
-- Default time
local Lap1 = 0
local Lap2 = 0
local Lap3 = 0
local Final = 0
UpdateBoard.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Player, Lap, Time)
local PlayerBoard = TimingFrame.NameBoard:Clone() -- Add player to timing board
local TimeUI = PlayerBoard.Times
if Lap == "AddPlayer" then
PlayerBoard.Name = Player
PlayerBoard.Times.Username.Text = tostring(Player)
PlayerBoard.Parent = TimingFrame
PlayerBoard.Visible = true
elseif Lap == "Lap1" then
Lap1 = tostring(math.round(Time*100)/100)
TimeUI.Time1.Text = Lap1
TimeUI.Lap1.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 255, 0)
TimeUI.Time1.Visible = true
elseif Lap == "Lap2" then
Lap2 = tostring(math.round(Time*100)/100)
TimeUI.Time2.Text = Lap2
TimeUI.Lap2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 255, 0)
TimeUI.Time2.Visible = true
elseif Lap == "Lap3" then
Lap3 = tostring(math.round(Time*100)/100)
Final = tostring(math.round((Lap1 + Lap2 + Lap3) *100)/100)
TimeUI.Time3.Text = Lap3
TimeUI.TotalTime.Text = Final
TimeUI.Lap3.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 255, 0)
TimeUI.Time3.Visible = true