This is a showcase, I am posting what work I am doing currently in case you are interested in my work. Please note; I am not for hire! I am posting my process and how I am developing new skills in graphics designing. I maybe will be for hire in the future, please give me some feedback on my projects
Showcase - Tiny toy soldiers inside a massive war. [D-Day GFX]
Its very bright, and I don’t know what’s going on. The idea with a GFX is that you KNOW what is happening, I don’t need a title.
Also, it is rendered in studio.
Use blender, it is much better.
Also, is the boat in the background your model, or did you just grab it from the toolbox?
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(The Batman)
April 9, 2021, 12:47am
I refuse to believe you made that in blender
Not saying its bad, because I used to be at that stage too years ago; however, It needs a lot more work put in before I would consider hiring.
Default sand, try using more realistic sand. Like sand from a sandbox.
I have a hard time seeing what the soldier’s are doing, change the color a little or fix the lighting.
The ship doesn’t look good like that
Needs more story/ details added
Water to sand looks really weird straight like that.
Hope this all helps!
You say 'Massive War (D-Day), when there isn’t any battle happening.
Also, this isn’t a graphic design.
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It wasn’t made in blender, as I am a very beginner, I only made this in 3d viewer (for lighting) thats it.
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Okay, thanks for the feedback. I will post my next showcase of something made in blender!
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