Welcome to the game guide! Below you can find some Frequently Asked Questions and some recent game updates!
Unfortunately this space can’t be used for game discussion, but if you have any bug reports or game suggestions, I have Roblox-messaging open to all of my Followers
Guide / FAQ
Where is my old city plot and data?
If you played Version 1 or Version 2 of Tiny Town Tycoon, you should see these buttons on the Main Menu in the game. (To open Main Menu, go to Settings → Main Menu)
I'm stuck progressing my city in the new version
There is a Guide in-game with some common challenges and how to over come them. I’ll list a few here as well:
My income is super low, or even negative! You likely have a lot of buildings that have a running maintenance cost. You may need to destroy one or two of them to get back to a good income. Check out the Income sheet to see where your big costs are, and then you can click on individual buildings to see a break down. Don’t worry - a negative Net Income won’t actually take away money.
- I have Businesses but my income is still low Are you sure that they have workers? You can click on a building to see if it has enough employees to make its maximum income. Workers will always go to Service buildings before they go to Businesses, so you may have built too many services.
Why can't I just play Sandbox before beating 2 maps? Games like SimCity have it included
This game is free to play. SimCity or other games cost upfront $ to buy and play. If I didn’t make any premium content, you wouldn’t have this game available to play because I couldn’t afford to build it. I made the decision to spend a lot of my time to add the two Sandbox maps, requiring a lot of effort, and I made them freely acquirable through in-game progress. The previous version of Tiny Town didn’t even have a sandbox option or multiple save slots. You’re welcome
Planned Development Items
- raised railroads/subways/transportation & raised highways
- Pets? Maybe lol
- AI interaction, like chatting with them
List of Requested Items:
- more skyscrapers, factory, mall
Change Log
- Lack of updates recently - I got Covid
- Today I’m trying out 10-player servers, an opt-in button lets you teleport to a special place to test it out
March 2021
- Added curved roads
- Added elevated roads
- Added 2x4 and 2x8 road pieces for fitting gaps
- Updated the “Anti-spam chat block” to only be 20 seconds, and added a way to “verify” and enable chat by entering a confirmation word into chat
- The fans don’t really seem to like Tinycoins, so while of course I will keep the ability to buy items with Tinycoins in the games, I am going back to GamePass-First priority for premium buildings & specialty clothing items
- Updated Twitter code redemption to +$20,000
- Change daily login reward to be a multiple of your “income” instead of just a flat $ amount.
- People can be lame sometimes
I had to add a chat-bot-blocking script to Tiny Town cause it got targeted by bot scammers spamming some link
- Persistence optimized, re-try’s added in case of Roblox 500 DataStore errors
- Bug fix - there was a rare issue where if you joined the game, and then restarted a map (before loading the previous save file), the restarted map would not always save over the old map. That’s now been fixed!
- More localization optimization
- Leaderboards changed to weekly, many new players!!!
- Changed water texture
- Performance optimization for AI/cars/planes/boats
- New icon and thumbnail!! Go check em out!!
- Had to spend some time optimizing Auto Localization…looks like we reached our monthly quota, y’all
- Various small bug fixes
- Updated Xbox version of Tiny Town! It’s now on the latest release
- Turned off spinny effect on loading screen
I really liked it, but it was kind of wasting memory and load times for mobile users, lol
- Added option to “Exile” a spouse (basically “kill” them)
- Added option to choose gender for your single family member’s dating choice
- Added new shirts, hair, and faces
- Added 2x building speed and insta-build game passes
- Stopped moving left menu up when Build is open, on PC
- Stopped hiding right-side menu in Build mode
- Option to disable storms in Settings
- Various small bug fixes
February 2021
- Unveiling… Featured Cities!! If you make it onto any leader board, your city will be placed into a pool to be chosen as the Featured City for a server - each server has one randomly selected Featured City spawned at the center, with the owner’s name and profile pic above it!
- Changes to leader-board: UI upgrades + now leader-boards reset every calendar month (UTC)
- Removed Ty’s “What should I build next?” feature indefinitely
- Updated the guide a bit
- Fixed “ice skating” effect when tiny!!
- Fixed red cap floating + tiny citizens being bald
my bad!
- Some fixes to family loading GUI, small bugs that only affected a few users
Begin your own dynasty!! Now, as mayor, you will get represented by your own character in the city!! You can match your character with a spouse, have kids, and then match those kids with spouses, all the way down grandchildren!! You can watch as they grow up, go to school, get jobs, move houses, and you can customize their look!!
In Tiny Town (for now), your family members will stop aging at 65 years old. - Added premium buildings to Shop menu
Added drive-able cars!! (It is just the first phase so expect a little bumpiness on the car movement etc)
- Updates to Tinycoin building prices, raised them ending the old sale
- Fix for issue with Objectives GUI
- Added train track turns (also fixed issue where trains go a lil haywire with parallel tracks)
- Boats now move around after you build them! You can disable this by clicking on the building and disabling auto-move.
- Added Museum and Library (both increase education coverage)
- Added new Radio feature - 4 radio stations - old songs, chillhop, ambient, and pop. Also added a Radio Station DJ Game Pass. Buying this game pass lets you build a radio station & also lets you create and publish your own custom radio station playlist for others in your server to listen to!
- Reduced time to payment to ~13 seconds for all maps (previously 25 for most maps, and 15 for normal map)
- Added “Objectives” for even more income opportunities
- Lowered bureaucratic bloat a ton!
- Changed how long a “day” is (now equals the in-game sun/night cycle of about 80 seconds per day), and reset the “Most Established” leader board.
- Build Together! In settings, you can allow access for other players to share control of your city. They will be able to switch to edit your city, and then they can add buildings, destroy buildings, and do anything in your city that you can do. (They only have access to your city’s money while editing your city, this was done intentionally)
- Ty can be disabled in settings, but I added an additional “Hide” button right on the avatar
- Included the Mayor’s name with the mayor’s picture & city name that floats above the city. Also, those gui’s above the city are now hidden when you click the
button in the bottom-right.
- Added Bubble chat. Since some players probably hide the default chat to get more screen space for building, I thought it would be nice to show in-game bubble chat to encourage making new friends in the game!
- Decided to make premium buildings infinite - if you buy it once you can build as many as you want. I also added a ‘Quick Buy’ feature so you can skip Tinycoins, if you want to
- Added daily rewards! Login 5 days in a row to get the biggest n best reward!
- Fixed some of the thumbnails that were mismatched
- Some small additions to Ty like compliments for doing well
Ty is a bot that can help you build your city. She will help new players learn the ropes, warn you if you are getting into dangerous areas, and even recommend what building you should add next!
- Tinycoin changes! - You can now earn tinycoins in game. If your city’s happiness is about ~70, a coin will drop every now and then at the top of a building for you to pickup. After ~10 seconds, this coin will become visible to other players and they can pick it up too, so hurry up!
- Premium Buildings change! - Now, if you buy a premium building with tiny coins, and then you remove it, it will be added back to your inventory so you can use it again later or even in a different city.
- Search system for building store
- Arrow keys put back into mobile building placement, dragging is still enabled so you have both options now!
January 2021
- Added new wonders: White House, One World Trade Center, Sky Tower, Space Needle, upgraded Big Ben, Empire State building, Lincoln Memorial, Capitol Building, and a few more
- Added a construction crane, a port crane, port shipping crates, oil tank, gas station (that provides income), 10 new trees, lighthouse
- Added terrain mountains!! 10 cool options to choose from.
- Temporarily closed Xbox access so I can fix a few issues with compatibility
- Plot Size Increase is now a game pass that applies to all maps & resets
- Removed all premium building game passes - was not sustainable to keep adding game passes
- Introducing, Tinycoins!! You use Tinycoins to buy premium items. This actually makes premium buildings cheaper per Robux. If you own a game pass already, those buildings will cost you 0 tinycoins.
- Moved notification toast to upper-right so it doesnt get in the way of controls
- Added lightning in some storms
- Added toggle buttons in Settings window
- Revamped the shop GUI
- Reduced price of terrain tile pieces to $5,000 and $20,000
- Opened up Xbox access!!
- Added plot-extension product in the shop! You can now increase the size of your borders and make your city even bigger!!
TRAINS!! Added Train Stations + train tracks
- Improved mobile controls, you can now pinch to zoom and rotate the camera!
- Added (g) shortcut for Grid toggle, and explanation for Grid Size settings for road placement
- Improved mobile controls for building placement
- Updated the building GUI buttons & items
- Made Easy Mode a map option instead of a setting on Starter Map. This means you no longer have to reset your map, to win, if you chose Easy Mode
- Corrected Hotel pricing & coverage
- Fixed REPEAT option for Sidewalks & Roads
- Roads now snap to grid so they will line up. You can override by choosing grid size 2,4,8
- Bug fix - can now open Main Menu
- Added “hold mouse down” delete option
AIRPORTS!!! Added an airport where planes will land and takeoff!!
- Added City-name suffixes & user profile pic above city
- Stuck button will show up if you get stuck in a building, click to teleport home
- Added trees, garbage cans, beach chair, parking lots, street lights, benches, phone booths, and interstate road signs
- Autosave issue Jan 14th 4am - 7pm UTC, issue with DataStore queue’ing. Message me to help resolve any issues if you were affected
- BIG Update! Cars travel correctly on roads, now! With working intersections + changing traffic lights if you build them
- Added “Easy Mode” to the first map. This lets you disable happiness requirement, but you can no longer win the map until you restart.
- Updated Happiness screen - happiness items now show how much happiness they are affecting, either + or -
- Added disclaimer for first-time-players, explaining that this is not a normal tycoon but a challenging city sim!
- Changed pricing of elementary school - it is now cheaper + less run cost but also less population coverage
- Clinic is not needed until a population of ~115 now, instead of ~65
- Bug fix - loading mini-me’s was missing skin color of avatar source, fixed so if you see yourself in the city it should match your avatar’s skin color
- Bug fix - AI were getting too smart and trying to cross the ocean to other cities.
- Added (!) icons to Happy and Income menu items
- Added “Highlight Buildings” button on Income Sheet
- Fixed “Apply to all buildings” in Building → Customize
- Fixed # of AI - limited to size of population, now
- Updated Building menu to adapt to screen size
- Fixed small bug w/ shrinking when R15 character isn’t loaded in yet
- Updated Population leaderboard to reflect Actual population, not Max population
- Implemented Wait Lobby for future game updates (so no more disconnections/shutdown)
- Decided to include Police & Fire Station buildings in first map
- Building ground piece defaults to terrain its built on, then you can customize it if you want
- Citizen Improvement!!! - Citizens are now animated and R15. The source of outfits has been updated to pull from the user’s of the games Campaign & Established leaderboards, as well as players currently in the game, and like before, you might see yourself!! Citizens know where sidewalks and roads are, so they’ll prefer sidewalks and avoid roads when getting to and from their destinations.
- Revamped building GUI - smaller tiles & new building info view when you click on a building
- Improved building view/camera for mobile users
- Added left-shift run
- Raised GUI on mobile to un-block Jump button
- Added new display GUI’s for building income & buildings needing workers
- Fixed leftover building progress GUI bug
- Added toggle to guard against accidental Terrain deletion
- Big optimization undertaking. There should be much less lag now for large cities, on both PC and mobile!!
- Introduced a Feedback box in-game to collect feedback, it has already helped me fix a few bugs!
- Shrink ray worked locally but not for other players - now fixed & works for other players
- Mobile bug, sometimes camera would get stuck if you reset while building, now fixed and camera will fix itself on reset
December 2020
- Removing “Worker Requirement” on buildings. Instead, you can build businesses or services, but some buildings will not have full worker occupancy if you do not have enough workers.
- Fixed issue loading main menu
- Added map to teleport to other players’ plots
- Added city name & player name floating above city
- Added Shrink ray & Run buttons on left side of screen
- Added hints in case you get stuck on first map
- Added close button on the pop-out hints on left side of screen
- Added this guide!