Tipali: Live check bank number validity

So I’v spent the bitter last two months trying to devex and failed.
It could not have come at a more inconvenient time.

It keeps getting rejected because “invalid insert-random-stuff-here number”.
The issue is not that it’s rejected because the information is wrong, the issue is the time you’ll have to wait between rejections.

Sure, one issue is that the whole system is wrong:
Swedbank (a famous swedish bank) does not have branch code, and that causes tipali to say invalid branchcode.

But the main issue is that it takes me a month to find out your information is incorrect!

All in all this timeconsuming process could all be averted if there was a simple check to make sure your information is legit. It doesn’t have to approve anything, just check if the information is correct.

One might argue that these ‘initial issues’ wont be an issue after your finally registered, but it will be. As soon as you change your bank. And it’s still an issue for the thousands of new players who devex for first time.

That’s why I suggest that Tipali automatically checks your information asap after it’s updated.

send me your bank information and I’ll double check it for you.

have to add a disclaimer that I’m kidding

Email DevEx@roblox.com for this type of stuff.

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Tipali is 3rd party, so ROBLOX can’t do anything about this. Contact Tipali customer service, let them know the trouble you’re experiencing, and give your suggestion to them.

I succesfully got paid to my Swedbank account flawlessly :wink: I didn’t seem to find any info that was missing from my side but was prompted

my choice was direct deposit

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Did you leave the branchcode blank?
Cause I’v called customer support 3 times and talked to 3 different people and non of them has any idea what swedbanks branch code is.

I don’t remember what it was called exactly, but I was prompted a bank identifying code, which I have found by just googling up. I can look it up later if you still have issues.

If you can’t find it, you ain’t googling hard enough. also chech for synonyms.

IBAN: can be calculated on their page.
Account Number: is, well, account number
Branch Code: ??

Oh, and I’ll findout if my information is correct sometime next leapyear.

Haven’t actually used Swedbank for private banking personally, but I’m pretty sure they aren’t using specific branch codes at all.

Based on their BIC/SWIFT (SWEDSESSXXX) and this page, it seems like XXX would be the correct branch code to use.

The safest option would however most likely be to send an e-mail to Tipali explaining your issue.

Thnx man, except the field demands 4 digits

P.S. I changed to SWEDSESSXXX and set branchcode to XXXX since XXX isn’t allowed. Wish me luck!

Why are you guys calling it Tipali?
Isn’t it Tipalti?

Why don’t you call your bank and ask them what they would specify to use for a branch code? Even if they don’t actually have a “branch code” - surely they have measures to prevent it from causing problems with other bankers/customers.



That’s rediculous, they need to know those things. Every bank has a branch code, and if they chose to exclude branch codes from their system they have to understand that there needs to be an alternative for international ordeals.

Go to your bank in person and ask the teller about it, if they don’t know they can ask the bank manager; if he doesn’t know then this bank sounds like a joke.