What are good numbers for pricing items in a tycoon, and what are good numbers for how much players should earn per second or per minute? I want to ensure that the tycoon games I work on have a fair progression/money earning system for players, but I also want to ensure that any players that play the game will spend at least 15-20 minutes trying to buy stuff in the tycoon, as well as have a fair monetization system, where players would be inclined to buy more cash to progress faster, but not to a point that it would be blatantly P2W.
In some of the tycoons I worked on before, the sweet spot tended to be around 55 cash earned every 1.5-3 seconds after maximum upgrades they could get, with the fast majority of items in the tycoon not going over 100,000 cash in cost - the average item was probably anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 cash. With that model, I was able to get around an average play time of 15 minutes (not great), but I was able to get a 1.5-2+ R$ to player ratio. I am thinking of following a similar system, of no more than $100 per second, but have items increase at a certain rate that I am trying to figure out.