Tips For Modeling

Hello fellow developers! A bit ago I went into modeling and designing with blender. Almost every tutorial I find it really hard for me so I came for tips, maybe shortcut keys or shortcuts to modeling itself. In the past I tried to take the easy way out by merging a cube at center, extruding vertices and filling them all in but it did not work when I tried to texture so I gave up on that. (help for texturing for this method of modeling will also be helpful D:) Any tips, tricks, methods and many more will all be appreciated and I hope you have a great day! ;D


My tips! these will cover the basics in no order :smiley:

Keybinds basic ones to know
Keybind helps save 5-6 seconds rather than manually clicking but over hours of modeling that adds up.

A = select all
E = extrude selection
G = Garb and move
S = decrease size (cant think of proper word)
Ctrl+ Numpad 1-9 = change viewpoint
Right lick = Context menu (change to smooth, flat, change origin etc)
Tab = Change the edit modes
Shift+Left click = select multiple vertices
Alt+N = Flip faces
Ctrl+O = Open File
Ctrl+S = Save File
Ctrl+N = New File

Modifiers: Default ones that are most helpful
Modifiers are king! when using blender. I won’t show all but they help speed up and decrease the time needs (depending on model)

Mirror = This Allows you to copy what you are modeling in the X,Y,Z planes. Turn on clipping if making the model into one part.

Subdivision surface = Allows you to smooth and adjust more than the context smooth and customize it to help with tris etc.

Decimate = Allows you to lower tris if it goes over the limit (beware can break the look of the model)

General modeling
Use references (there’s a good plugin called images to planes that can be helpful to import the image into blender)

If you copy too much and find that you have multiple vertices stacked on the same point. When in edit mode click mesh > cleanup > merge by distance.

Before exporting into Roblox click Overlay > Face orientation. This shows if faces and inverted (means that will show up invis in Roblox. If they are red and select and click Alt+N and flip.

Dont give up not every model will meet what you imagine. It’s all trial and error!

Going to be kinda hard to explain over text but instead of painting, you can use UV wrapping to color/texture. just as an example of coloring.

  1. Find a color pallet off google and save it or make your own.
  2. Go to your model and highlight it into edit mode. Click UV editing on top
  3. Make a new UV using your image.
  4. Highlight model again and click shading (click new if one hasn’t been already done)
  5. Press Shift + A and get an Image texture there should be three major bars on the Image texture. Open, new, and a blank image with a down arrow inside Click that and select the image you saved as a UV.
  6. On the Image texture bar there will be a colored yellow dot saying color next to it. Click that and rag to the Principled BSDF base color.
  7. Your model should be covered by the image.
  8. Go back to UV editor while still in edit mode and use face select and the grab tool to correctly highlight and texture each face.

Hope this all help/make sense TedTalk over


Thank you! ;D This will be very helpful!

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