Tips on avoiding being scammed

You are correct that if two parties create a legally binding contract, one could sue the other on case of of breakment of the agreed upon terms.

But the chances of it actually occurring to small scale developers, recruiters, hirers and other people involved in the negligible “economics” of Roblox Development are extremely slim to non-existent.

Sure, the massive and well organized studio’s behind front-page games are required to create contracts but when talking about the average Joe, the small-scale developer whose development revenue wouldn’t even exceed the costs of consulting a lawyer, your advice, as per my opinion is dead-wrong.


Besides the contract part of your thread. I do agree with the other points listed in your thread, they would definitely help developers who are new to roblox development.

The thread is also nicely structured and its sentences nicely composed, so good on you.

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I gotta admit If i was to decide on that i would just be safe and dont try To hire anybody. Its also more fun to me being able to make your own work and it makes me feel more proud when the game is complete. Of course everybody has different feelings and you could be making a huge game that needs to have more devs then one creating the game. Whatever you want to do its your own choice to make.

Yeah, most people won’t bother with lawsuits or even legal contracts. It’s just an added safety measure.

The thread is also nicely structured and its sentences nicely composed, so good on you.

Thank you!

In graphic designing, after I finish with their order I put a watermark over it, or just faded black banners on top of the graphic. After that, I let them pay me and I give the full copy without the watermark. I don’t really accept the customer’s conditions if they want me to send the full copy, there are a lot of scammers in the GFX community, so basically every designer needs to be aware.

Not necessarily, the person trying to hire you might not have English as their first language and it’s unfair to judge them based on that

Unfortunately taking precautions is necessary even if it is unfair to people whose first language is not English.

These precautions are not based on enough substantial evidence to justify this straight up discrimination

I think the point is that competent communication is a measure of credibility. If you are likely to do business in French than broken French would be a red flag, etc.

This is actually well documented behavior for scams. They use terrible language to weed out the intelligent marks, leaving the gullible ones to be truly targeted.

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