Hey there, I would like to make water physics like seen in Minecraft and Islands (roblox) does anyone know how I could go about this please.
raycasting, lookvector and a lot of parts
You could use constantly generating perlin noise, but I’m sure it’d lag a lot.
I guess you’d need to create a pre-defined square grid of nodes that each contain a state that describes it and it’s neighbor nodes, and once you have that done you can start implementing rule checks for nodes in a radius of a water source block and create slanted water blocks to imitate flowing when the Minecraft water rule checks have determined how the water can flow.
Basically it’d be hard as shit to do without solid code groundwork to support it.
If you are going to attempt it, I wish you the best of luck. I also suggest looking into object oriented programming, that could help you create and keep track of “blocks” or “nodes” easily.
I hope this helped.
Good luck.
I would recommend using something like this and then use filtering to reduce lag:
Water Part (Insane) - Roblox
–Just work with the script and the decals
This is probably the easiest thing to do without it being insanely complicated