Hello. So im currently just slowly trying to improve my building and game designing skills by just recreating images on Google, lately ive been fascinated by Sci-fi for some reason so I decided to create something of the image below…
Here is what I did…
its definitely not the best but I kind of added my own flair to it I guess but what I want to ask all of you is if you have any building tips to not just recreate things from a reference picture well, but also recreating things realistically, maybe I added too many effects? maybe the saturation isn’t right? or I could just plain out rebuild the whole thing? I dont know thats why im asking for some advice.
Eventually whenever I do get better and find better ways to advance the main goal of a game I would love to make, is an idea of a Mars based game. to simulate the possible tasks and things needed for survival in real life when humans actually do reach mars with a bit of a added horror aspect, because who dosnt like horror?
I would suggest to experiment into using textures, meshes, the build has a nice lighting approach but the material seems to feature smooth plastic (have you consider adding important details to increase the quality of the design? ‘Bolts, wires, vents, lighting features’.
You basically start experiment a bit and learn from it as it’s a part of making a build have a realistic style, there are a lot of tips and suggestions and resources you can learn from. What has been suggested in previous topics making realistically builds you’ll normally use textures and certain effects to add realism.
If you need more useful information there are some excellent threads that’ll help you recreate things in a realistic way. I feel your build the lighting is quite dim you could possibly add a point light or surface adding realism to the flooring, whatever yours best to you
I have been experimenting with textures however I cant find the right ones for what im looking for they just look out of place when I place them anywhere so im stuck on learning how to make a texture or just well finding the right one. I am also learning to use blender to create meshes like the blankets in the first picture, I am definitely making use of the forum for this. Thanks for the tips!
I would seriously recommend working with the lighting, not as in the lighting category but with surfacelights, pointlights, ETC. I believe if you use those to the best of your abilities by adding custom lighting sources, either minor or major it will definitely help in creating a great atmosphere especially coloring, go for a yellow/white/bluewhite lighting scheme like in the original photo to achieve what you are wanting to achieve. Secondly, the blur is a bit too much toning it down somewhat will help a lot. Third, personally I think there’s a bit too much particles. Lastly utilize textures to the best of your abilities, they are what can make/break a scene. There is even custom ones that you can get from the toolbox which probably could help a lot. Also adding more detail in some places that wasn’t included in the main photo would definitely help as realistically not everything is too bland.
One of the recurring tips are textures, im trying to see what blends right with each other, and its not as easy as I thought, but I will take your advice on the lighting, brighten things up a bit, add some custom lighting.