Tips on starting out with scripting?

I’ve been wondering on starting out with scripting but I don’t know how I would be able to start out. I’ve tried YouTube tutorials but I want to actually write my own code and not just copy off of someone else. Maybe Examples or tutorials could help??



(P.S I know some parts like… wait, if, then, and some others)

I mean, you can start anywhere really! You could start somewhere basic such as messing with the Properties of certain parts:

workspace.Part.CanCollide = false

From messing with variables:

local Variable = 50
Variable = Variable - 25

To even working with functions as well!

function Touched()
    print("I've been hit!")


And you also have the Developer API as well if you’re confused on what some of the core ideas are!

If you’re still into Youtube Tutorials, you can check someone named: TheDevKing as well if you want!

There is something to know though, scripting takes a LOT of practice. Obviously you’ll start out slow, but eventually as you progress you’ll learn more about how the foundations of certain things start to work!


actually i have seen this kind of topics soo many times

Idk if they can help you

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I also struggled with this a few month ago. Youtube helped me make code but not to understand it. What really helped me to start off was to use some free models from toolbox and analyze the scripts they contained. I started off simple with things like making a part change colour and eventually got to more advanced models.

The Roblox wiki was also very helpful and still is when it comes to learning some of the built-in Roblox functions.


That’s a tough subject to tackle, because you’re not only talking about coding, you’re talking about the whole Roblox API interaction.

I have only been learning Roblox for about 4-5 month.
I will be releasing my first game later this month.

From the experience of learning (prior to Roblox Studio), you need to have a firm grasp on fundamental of coding. Things like Variables, Loops, Data Structure, OOP, References, Arrays, etc.

The second thing you need is thinking like a computer, you want to know why computer works the way they do. The reason why you need this, is to disperse the mystifying effect that plague many new coders.

There is a meme that says My code doesn’t work, I don’t know why. My code works, I don’t know why. LOL

You want to avoid being the meme at all cost.
Strive to understand what the code does will open up a new world of coding.
You won’t depend on tutorials to solve a problem, you’ll navigate through the complexity and arrive at your own conclusion.

If you can comfortably code and come up with solutions without relying on tutorials. You have accomplish the first part.

The second part is understanding the Roblox API.
I have to stress that Lua and Roblox API are two different things, if you lump them both together, you’ll find yourself a whole world of confusion.

Lua is a coding language and it doesn’t need the Roblox API.
There are many software that uses Lua as their base language due to its simplicity.

It is the combination of Lua and Roblox API that makes Roblox Game tick.
If you understand the differences at this point.

You next phase of learning is to Decipher the Roblox API and the Roblox Game Cycle.

Roblox API deals with what you can make at a very small scale. Stuff like, Part:Destroy( ), Creating a new part. Looping through the Character model. Retrieving player Data.

Roblox Game Cycle deals with knowing how all the component works together.
Ex, Client to Server relationship, Server Storage, Player being added to the server, etc.

Over time as you learn, you’ll acquire more and more knowledge about each of the topic.
At some point (in distant future), you’ll get the “eureka” moment that everything just click in your mind and you’ll start building games smoothly.

You’ll only get there if you learn a little bit at a time and not rush the process.
The most important wisdom that I have for anyone is to strive for understanding.
When you understand it you’ll execute it.

I also making a tutorial series for learning Roblox Studio on YT.
If that helps you out. Feel free to check it out.

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