Tips on this UGC concept hair

I’m just looking for some tips!


I don’t really like how the top of the hair is really flat, I suggest you… how do I word this… unflatten it? :sweat_smile: Either way I like it.


Hahaha yes yes yes! Like make it more um up? :rofl: Yeah thanks!

Yeah! I’m bad at wording. :sweat_smile:

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I really like it :o my only problem with the hair is the top of the hair being flat and it’s an issue with a lot of hair but when you do get in ugc we should do a design and hat collab!!


Formalities, Artist! I am @FIaylie, a fellow developer within this platform. As stated from @arielicas and @Llbbyie, the top of the head should be somewhat circular, or bumped up by a bit. Although, the front hear and the rear hair are honestly great - I find it too overused and basic, so I suggest adding a unique ahoge or ponytail.