Tips to make more Photorealistic Builds

Hi, I am practising my building skills and I been trying to do a more Photorealistic build like this! What I am trying to accomplish Examples:

What is the correct way to use textures and Etc


These are wonderful! I think you did a great job with the texturing overall.

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Smart usage of textures with correct adjustment of lighting would give you an output similar to that. :]

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Guys are you reading the post lol. Those aren’t his, he wants to make something like this and is asking for advice…


I did not make those i was showing examples of what i want to acomplish but yes they look look amazing.

I know that. I literally said the things he needs to do to achieve that. Please read what I’ve said again. :]

i think need a better graphic design, sky box, Partical emitter, and also a good touch of the perfect Gui in the game plus it better your follow this advice it very usefull for the game creator like you

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An important thing to note when designing anything is that detail should be consistent. So if one thing is utilizing detailed graphics, then everything else should match a similar level of detail or it becomes out of place.

Notice, how the first picture not only uses textures on the tiles, but they use meshes to give form to the ground to separate each tile. If meshes weren’t provided, then you have an imbalance with the texture and the form.

These builds are also incredibly focused on a graphic standpoint, so its very useful to consider the seven elements of art; color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value.

Now with any skill and art style, it requires experience. So start small, learn how to create your own textures and meshes, experiment with placing them in a roblox world environment.

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And who said I was referring to you specifically?

Probably because you started your sentence with a “Guys” which is plural. Meaning two or more person is being referred by your statement. You better be careful on the words you’re using.