Tips & Tricks for improving your game using Lighting!


Lighting in Roblox can differ a game from boring to amazing and lighting can be used for about anything!

Tips and Tricks

There are many ways people can get amazing lighting and there game and some of those ways use atmosphere and ColorCorrection and more!

  • Try out different ways and find the best fit for you.
  • Try limiting the amount of effects you use (Bloom, etc) because it can make your game to bright or dark which can effect the experience.
  • Use OutdoorAmbient and Ambient to make your game more colorful and unique.
  • Use the atmosphere effect to add detail towards your skyboxes.
  • Try using ColorShiftTop to give your floor a more realistic feel.

Future Lighting

Future lighting was released during the summer of 2020 which was apart of the Future Is Bright update to Roblox. Future lighting adds a more realistic environment to your game which adds reflections, dependent lighting, and better shadows. This can improve your game lighting by a lot!


Future Lighting

(Credit to Vexture for the images)


Plugins on Roblox provide tools for developers like inserting something and more. Some of these plugins can also help with Lightning on Roblox as well!

Atmos, 150 R$

Created by: Elttob

Celestial Body Dragger

Created by: CloneTrooper1019


We now come to an end and hopefully you now have became a lighting expert and now you improve your game!


Credits to:

@Maximum_ADHD (Celestial Body Dragger)

@Elttob (Atmos Professional Lighting & Skyboxes)

What type of lighting do you prefer?
  • Future-Lighting
  • Shadow-map
  • Voxel
  • Compatibility

0 voters

(Feel free to reply on why you prefer this)


As of February 2021 this is no longer up to date


Forgot to mention that Atmos provides skyboxes that come with custom lighting and Celestial Body Dragger gives you the ability to move the sun/moon to change the time of day.

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If you’re using Future-Lighting it can be a little buggy from time to time since this is a little new!

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Atmos provides paid high quality skyboxes there isnt a another way to provide this high quality skybox?

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I’m pretty sure they use skyboxes then edit the lighting to make it more realistic.

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if you know if they use static settings for lighting or generated for skybox please let me know which skybox settings do they use

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They use custom settings that are built-in, try reading this if it might help.

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Thanks for info I liked your tutorial

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Just a heads up there are some copies of Celestial Body Dragger so be on the lookout and make sure to check if it’s made by the original creator!

I try to avoid future lighting at all costs, as it can heavily decrease performance.

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Yes I’ve seen some people say to use shadow maps instead due to performance but it doesn’t really affect it a lot from what I’ve seen.

Remember, not everyone has a ultra-beefy computer.

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PBR Textures

PBR or Physically Based Rendering is a tool that can make your builds have more realism. You can find this under “SurfaceApperance” and you can add this to meshes only.

(Forgot to add this in…)

The new on-boarding experience to help new developers get started with development on the platform. Currently there is a topic that goes by the name of “Post Processing Effects” and you can go check it out!

(Update: Clouds are currently in beta and may have an effect towards lighting but as of now it’s unsure…)

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