Hello dear devForum community, I wanted to ask how would you go about making soft tires, just like in a real car.
For example if you have super hard tires (just a cylinder) you wouldn’t be able to climb up onto high surfaces.
With a tire that has volume and pressure inside of it, it will deform is dynamic and be a lot better at performing that task of climbing up a higher surface.
Roblox uses rigidbody physics so simulating real tires is very difficult (and it’s also something that I’m trying to find out myself
) and definitely requires good physics and skinned mesh making knowledge, although this new announcement from Roblox could potentially make the process to render the deformation a bit easier
P.S. I’m not quite sure what you said about softer tires making a car’s ability to climb surfaces better is correct. I’m actually quite knowledgeable on how real-life cars work as I’m currently practicing on becoming a mechanic (I’m actually restoring an engine at the moment), and even though I’m definitely not a physics expert from what I understand about tires: Harder compound tires tend to be narrower in width than soft compound tires and the narrow with makes them more prone to get stuck between rocks when rock climbing, although they do usually have a larger sidewall which makes damaging your rims less likely if inexperienced. I suggest you research more on tire dynamics, material deformation and also tribology 
Edit for more information: Soft compound tires are typically wider, which makes a vehicle able to climb over certain obstacles a narrow tire (which as mentioned above typically use hard compounds) would sometimes struggle. I’m quite certain though that if you would test a vehicle using soft tires vs a vehicle using hard tires in a relatively smooth slope (doesn’t even have to be asphalt, even gravel would do), you would find that the main obstacle to climb it is the total mass of the vehicle and occupants, and the quantity of torque available from the engine, gearbox and differential, not the tire compound (the narrow tire would actually even have a chance to climb the slope first if the surface is a soft material)
Hey, thanks for taking the time to write this.
I tried making “many” parts go around the wheel that have a spring, something like this:

But there is always a problem
- too much friction or not enough
- not smooth (adding more cylinder makes it buggy AND laggy)
- adding more pressure (increasing stiffness of spring and its maxforce) makes the cylinder go crazy:
So as you said its hard to make something like this but I saw people make it almost flawlessly for example this video:
roblox tire friction model + deformation - YouTube
I do think its possible to do it with the method I tried but you would have tweak the settings to perfection.
This is the best result I have gotten so far but still its not perfect:
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First things first: Wow, it’s incredible what’s possible to do in Roblox at this point! I suggest to try using spheres instead of cylinders, maybe that would solve some problems although you will need to fine-tune their size
Yeah, I tried using different shapes blocks spheres and cylinders, but in my experience cylinders work the best. Another important factor is that the cylinders or blocks or spheres around the wheel dont just slide along the floor, you need the right friction so the whole entire wheel spins, if it has too much it will get buggy like in the video if not enough it will just slide on the floor without the wheel spinning. The size of the parts also matters.
For now I will just experiment and try tweaking the settings until I get a good combination. Thanks for the support and help!
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