Titan Transformation

Hi, I recently scripted this titan transformation(Attack on Titan) script for a client and I was wondering if there was anything I needed to add or change.

How to use: Press “P” + “L” and the transformation will start.

This transformation is for the Colossal Titan.

My discord is Penguizzz#8823.

Thank you!

Edit: The Models and Animations were made by the client, I only made the script.


Ok, yes, I have some feedback to you. First:

  1. The explosion yellow explosion is really good, but I think that the white smoke (If this is possible) should be transparent and that you maybe show how the Arm and Legs are formed,
  2. then, remove the fact that we see that the player is killed, this ruins all the hard work. Else, for the rest, I just love this. Keep this up!

Who is the client. Do you made it or another person?

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Thank you for the feedback!

I made it for another person, I do fiverr gigs.

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If it is so, then it is really good. And, I don‘t think that you really can use fiverr with Roblox, because of the strict Terms of Service. You still can create here your portfolio and work here instead of using fiverr. But this is only what I think, maybe you can use fiverr, but I don‘t would risk to be banned if you understand what I mean.

Else, yeah. It is still great, keep this up.

EDIT: If you want to use this to create a game, or sell this to another person, maybe you could make that the titan dosen‘t turn around too fast, because this isn‘t really „realistic“. But this is just a little Details, it could be really good if you add maybe an animation to transform back, and attacks. But, you don‘t need to make this, this is just my feedback but I still find this great.

What?! I thought It was okay to do gigs on fiverr. There’s a ton of other people doing the same thing. I didn’t know about that.

I repeat it: I really not am sure at 100%. And one of the golden rules of the live is that not only because other people does this that this means that it isn‘t illegal. So, I would search a bit or create an topic in #development-discussion to ask here if this would be illegal or not.

Good that you asked, if I would be in your place I would search if it is illegal or not. Good Luck!

Ok. Thank you for letting me know :slight_smile:

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Looks good I would improve on the thing after the explosion maybe fire raising up but it’s good :+1:

  • Sav
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