Title is not a valid member of Frame "Tag"

So today I was coding when I got this error:
Title is not a valid member of Frame "Tag"
But um so I print the children of Tag and um
Screenshot 2024-08-02 191204
It says its right there so like wth is going on???
Anyhow heres my code:

					SLUIConnects['SelectedButton.SelectRigs'] = SelectRigs.SelectedButton.Activated:Connect(function()
						for _, item in animInfo.Rigs do
							local tag = SDisplay.Tag:Clone()
							tag.Title = string.upper(item.Name).."|"
							tag.Parent = SDisplay.Scroll
							SDisplay.Frame.Visible = true
						SLUIConnects['Close.Sdisplay'] = SDisplay.Title.Activated:Once(function()
							SDisplay.Frame.Visible = false

you forgot


after Title

tag.Title.Text= string.upper(item.Name).."|"

This text will be blurred

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I knew it was something dumb like this, let me go do that

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