Tizian's Portfolio | Builder

All Infos you’ll need:
Hello Im Tizian i live in germany and im a builder, im always interrested making stuff and edit stuff in studio, since im searching alot but cant find the perfect job im showing you what i mainly want and my creations:

Hi there! , Im a Builder and i’m good at making props and edit free models to let them look better, i also can make Terrain editing and Knife skins (standert MM2 knife skins) I work always when i have free time and a order that would be 6-12h Daily

Wanna see some of my work? Yeah here you go!

Im availeble on Friday-Sunday in holidays i have time all days i look weekly on my Dev account contact me if your interessted

1st Model/Map I make is free, then it depens how detailed or how hard it was to make Maps are from 5k-15k and Props etc. Are from 800-5k Robux, robux is the Only way to pay me trought Your Group

Want to contact me? Just Message me on roblox/Discord!
Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/214535881/profile
Discord: tizian_LP#2400

*Prices can be changed etc.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Interesting portfolio, for convenience purposes would you be able to upload images of your models rather than linking them.

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