To Do List Plugin



A plugin I have been wanting to work on for the past month is a to do list plugin, particularly one that looks like the existing GUIs (Script Analysis in this case). It automatically scans for scripts in the main services and looks for cases of “TODO”, “To do”, “to do”, etc.


Awesome! I can see this being super useful in the future :slight_smile:

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This is a pretty helpful plugin. Nice work!

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Awesome plugin, even more awesome dark mode. :ok_hand:

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Does work with Team Create?

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I didn’t test for it, but it should. It relies on scripts being readable and firing .Changed when the source changes.


“Todo” comments happens to be things that I occasionally fail to revisit, which get lost by the wayside forever. This will definitely help.

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I actually had a security check I forgot to implement in Ultimate Boxing. The plugin actually exposed it to me.

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Really useful feature would be some sort of support for adding/managing to dos directly in the plugin, or giving a way to make custom keywords (e.g. ‘# destroy roblox headquarters’ where # is the custom keyword).

Using it now - very good for organising :slight_smile:

EDIT: Also might be a good idea to filter out the core scripts (in play mode, I guess people stuffing around with core scripts in edit mode will have to suffer?)

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I am not really sure how I would properly implement that. The IDEs I have used just use TODO without support for other characters.

This would be difficult to implement without a blacklist, and I would prefer not to have anyone suffer when developing or overriding those scripts.


I have updated the plugin to utilize a pre-release of Nexus Plugin Framework. Searching was also added.


Exactly what I needed because I tend to forget almost everything the day after.

Thank you so much!


I have just re-published a major refactor of this to use the soon-to-be official version of Nexus Plugin Framework V.0.1.0.

Major changes:

  • Switching between dark and light themes is more consistent.
  • Horizontal scrolling is now possible.
  • The scrollbars now have a facade that matches the Qt5 scrollbars used by Roblox.
  • Chat is no longer blacklisted for searching.
  • If the game is running, the list will be disabled by default. (Requested by @DutchDeveloper)



Honestly really helpful especially for people like me that get sidetracked and distracted by every little bit of movement or sound around me. Great to keep your thoughts in-check and your projects in-order!

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A sizable update went up. The main one is the plugin was rebranded since the ratings… were terrible. Along with this and an internal rewrite to be much more performant, the plugin will tell you when it doesn’t detect anything.

Oh, and the plugin is finally on GitHub.

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This is a super useful plugin!
Add the ability to use multiline comments so you can do stuff like this

At the moment the script wont wait for the services to

I don’t plan to add new features to the plugin for now. If you want to contribute that feature, the first step will unfortunately be to redo part of the line parsing to work with multiple lines.

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