To many parts problem!

So i made a city generator that can generate a city under 1 minute. Now a big problem is that citys like tokyo and new yourk seems to destroy the server idk if its the parts or that it makes the city to fast. theres just a error message sayin server shut down after like the city has loaded 25%. Is it loading the city to fast?


Do you have more details?

What is this city generation?

can you show off this city generator?

i got a link if you want to test it out spawn airport - Roblox

sure heres a link spawn airport - Roblox

Either your code is taking too long at a certain point, or the server is running out of memory with the amount of parts that you’re trying to place.

I spawned a 10k people city and that looked like a lot of parts already.

You could try only generating chunks the player is in.
That should make it faster and not run out of memory if you delete unused chunks.

my gpu crashed after I played it

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This is another one of my pet peeves. It is issues like this that make Roblox feel like a rage bait rather than an actual platform that developers can rely on for the creation of quality games. How is anyone supposed to care when they realize they can’t import high poly structures into Roblox due to the part limit. If there is one limitation that needs to be removed… it’s this.

did you try to load a big city like new york city? or tokyo?

is there a way to check server memory?

I think so but I’m not sure. Just ask Google, it knows.

ye i just checked with dev console the server used up to 6600mb and client 4000mb~~ before the server shutdown.

Yea I did new York. And it crashed

Can you run the script locally?

It’s most likely because the server couldn’t hold up to make the creation due to being overloaded. I suggest pushing some components that will optimise the generator with less parts necessary to be generated.

Bump to help you!!
You need to add a limit to the generator because is an waste of time trying to play an server with an overcharge of instances with parts and you can lag by going to the generated city