"To Sphere" option in Blender not really working


So I’m practicing Blender and am following a tutorial where a guy shows how to make a hammer. He mentions to go to “Transform” and select “To Sphere” after selecting the face of the mesh and move the mouse to shape it like a sphere. I did just that, or at least I tried to and for some reason mine wasn’t stretching much.

Clip from his video where I got stuck:

Clip showing what’s happening for me:

I’m so confused, followed their instructions yet the face for me isn’t really stretching much, I’d appreciate any help on this as I’m unsure what’s causing it!

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The option is working correctly, but I notice that you must have accidentally set your transform pivot point to the 3D Cursor rather than the median point. You can change that on your top bar, it’s to the right of the transform orientation selector.

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