Hello, i’m making a fighting game that has ragdoll as a finishing punch but I want it to be toggelable
something like rouge lineage’s ragdoll system if you’ve ever played that game, my game is R6 and I searched around the forum but I didnt find a way to unragdoll a player after they’ve been ragdolled, i need help with unragdolling ragdolled people and maybe an efficient way to create ragdolls.
You can use NevermoreEngine’s ragdolls to achieve a toggleable ragdoll.
It supports both R6 and R15, though you’ll need to install NevermoreEngine to use it, and I can’t find a lot of documentation on how to use its ragdolls specifically.
It’s not the kind of ragdoll that you’d expect; it just makes the character fall down and making it uncontrollable, not much more, and after a few moments it comes back up.
The ragdoll stuff is spread out to multiple classes, modules.
Though if you want the actual part that makes the character do something, it’s RagdollRigging in the Shared ragdoll folder.
You’ll probably need to look at the classes on how to use RagdollRigging properly.
Everything works fine its just that the player doesnt collapse on the ground is there a way to do that because honestly im not any good with rigging ragdolling and these kind of stuff
Do you mean that the player does not fall to the ground, and it just stands still but you can’t control it?
If so after you’ve made the player ragdoll, you probably should apply some sort of velocity to push the player down. Could be random, could just be a push forwards.