This bug started happening today. When you use Toggle Comments on a code chunk it used to add the comment prefix at the start of the line, like so:
Now they’re hugging the code lines:
It’s really messing with the uniformity of my code, and being a heavy user of “Toggle Comments”, this bug has easily disturbed the readability of said code as well.
This is an intentional change, the new behavior is the same behavior that most other editors have.
Could you elaborate on why you don’t like this? I don’t really follow the “uniformity” argument: to me keeping the commented block at the same indentation level it was at before rather than inserting the comment -- at an entirely unrelated position seems like the more uniform behavior?
Is it that you like how the code didn’t visually move at all before when toggling comments thanks to the tabstop behavior? That’s more a curse than a blessing: With that behavior it’s very easy to miss that a few lines of code are commented out as you scan over a longer script file, that’s part of the reason why most editors do not do it like that.
Hey, sorry for the delayed response! I have used the new behavior for nearly 2 weeks now, so here’s my scoop:
After using it for a bit, I’ve felt better about the new behavior over the old ones. It’s much faster to grab the whole selection and visually more pleasing in a lot of cases.
Is it that you like how the code didn’t visually move at all before when toggling comments thanks to the tabstop behavior?
This was what initially drove me to post here (and what I meant by the uniformity argument), but after using the new behavior I realized that it was more helpful since the visual shifting of the lines made the commenting seem like a diamond in the rough.