I’m trying to make a toggle system when you click a button, it enables Blood/gibs and stuff
I cannot move the models into the folder. I get the error "GoreModels are not a part of replicatedstorage.Assets
Ive seen other experiences do this, I just cant figure out how…
local button = script.Parent
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
if not player then
local folderToMove = game.ReplicatedStorage.GoreModels
local assetsFolder = replicatedStorage.Assets
folderToMove.Parent = assetsFolder
local folderToMove = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("GoreModels")
try it and let me know, therefore you said “GoreModels are not a part of replicatedstorage.Assets” is kinda confusing since the GoreModels intially based on your script is outside of assetsfolder, and you just moved it in
So just in case that whatever you trying to find, just note that the “GoreModel” initially is not in the AssetFolder, it is moved after the script is ran
Otherwise, just use local yourvariable = RPStorage.Assets:WaitForChild(GoreModels)
The error message “GoreModels are not a part of replicatedstorage.Assets” suggests that the GoreModels folder is not located within the Assets folder in ReplicatedStorage . To resolve this issue, you need to make sure that the GoreModels folder is in the correct location before attempting to move it.
local button = script.Parent
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
if not player then
-- Check if GoreModels folder exists in ReplicatedStorage
local folderToMove = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("GoreModels")
if not folderToMove then
-- Move the GoreModels folder to Assets folder
local assetsFolder = replicatedStorage.Assets
folderToMove.Parent = assetsFolder
I am still getting the error “Gore Models is not a valid member of ReplicatedStorage.Assets” Even though it is inside of ReplicatedStorage.Assets after the button is pressed.
I just mistyped it, it says GoreModels. I dont think anything is wrong with my code:
for index, gibModel in pairs(replicatedStorage.Assets.GoreModels.Burst:GetChildren()) do
if gibModel:IsA("Model") then
This is a part of the gore code, is there a way I can check if its there or something. Its there in replicated storage and everything else. Its just that its not detecting it or some other reason.
If you’re confident that the GoreModels folder exists in replicatedStorage.Assets and the issue lies with detecting it in your code, you can add some debug output to help diagnose the problem.
local button = script.Parent
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
if not player then
local assetsFolder = replicatedStorage.Assets
-- Check if GoreModels folder exists in Assets folder
local goreModelsFolder = assetsFolder:FindFirstChild("GoreModels")
if not goreModelsFolder then
print("GoreModels folder not found in Assets folder.")
print("GoreModels folder found in Assets folder.")
-- Perform further operations with the goreModelsFolder if needed
-- ...
This is some of the code, i dont really know what to do. Or how to check and make sure. I added your code to the button and it still did not work…
function module.getGibFromOffset(limb, stage, offset)
local gibVar = "Middle"
local maxDist = 5
for index, gibModel in pairs(replicatedStorage.Assets.GoreModels.Burst:GetChildren()) do
if gibModel:IsA("Model") then
local name = noSpaceLimbTable[limb].."Burst"
if string.sub(gibModel.Name, 1, string.len(name)) == name and string.sub(gibModel.Name, string.len(gibModel.Name), string.len(gibModel.Name)) == tostring(stage) then
local properties = gibModel:FindFirstChild("data")
properties = properties and require(properties) or {}
local gibOffset = properties.offset or Vector3.new()
local dist = (gibOffset - offset.Position).magnitude
if dist < maxDist then
gibVar = string.sub(gibModel.Name, string.len(name)+1, string.len(gibModel.Name)-1)
maxDist = dist