Tommy Tallarico Sound Design Kit Now Available

That’s the thing. The death sound has been out for years! It has become implemented in Roblox’s platform. This could be easily done with Roblox paying for the death sound and we’d all be fine.

Roblox instead proceeded to make a shameless advertisement with someone who isn’t even on Roblox.


This is really disappointing. Multiple things are messed up about this post.

Advertising in #updates:announcements? Really?

In case you couldn’t tell, this is a clear advertisement, as @buildthomas brought up. We are advertising for a person who quite literally had a fit and threatened to sue over .86 seconds. Not just that, but the sound will be going away.

Removing the Oof! sound? Please don’t!

Come on roblox. Removing it is just letting Tommy know he can go out there and get massive companies to do as he pleases. At least keep the sound for gods sake.

DevRel, are you listening to our concerns?


I guess at least our lord, @coefficients is still watching our concerns. :coefficients:

Official Response maybe?


If anyone is interested in picking up over 700 sound effects completely free (with no copyright or strings attached) then you should check out Kenny’s Game Assets. He has hundreds of game assets on there and they cost absolutely nothing. Amazing resource for game assets.

Many of the sounds you will probably find on Tommy’s store will have an equivalent on one of Kenney’s audio packs.


This ain’t it chief. I don’t support the notion of using the DevForum Announcements as an advert board.


There is not a single drop of “good” in this ““announcement””. It’s just a weird ad for a mediocre music creator.

I don’t get why Roblox yielded to tommy when they owned a license to use the sound.


It’s a real shame that this principle was not applied here.

There are a lot of unanswered questions about the decision to post this advertisement in the public announcements category, especially in light of the negative feeling around the subject.

It would be great to get some transparency on this and avoid it happening again in future.


However, roblox doesn’t have to give in like this. They are laws, yes, but this settlement is ridiculous. Give him some money, sure, but kill off the SFX market? Why? Totally unnecessary.


Well, the oof sound is a classic, something made way back when roblox was released. Rip “oof” sound.


There is probably only one word that can describe the amount of emotion that I can feel right now based on this announcement:


Did you read this post at all? This is a sheer advertisement Roblox is promotng, not giving room for their own developers. I would be fine with this if it weren’t for the shameless advertisement.


When people go to buy SFX, they are going to go with whoever roblox is promoting.


Roblox Corporate said in a statement that Tommy doesn’t own the ‘oof’ sound, so why did they settle with him; and presumably did this part of the settlement :thinking:


You still do get paid, if premium users visit it.


To also add to this thread, here is an argument.

Kevin Macleod, a prominent music creator, has uploaded at least 1000-2000 3-5 minute long music videos.

Kevin Macleod lets people use this music in their works for free.

Why should I pay 50 dollars for 500, short 2 second audio clips, when I can have 2000 5 minute audio clips for absolutely no price?

This is yet another reason as to why I do not like this update.


Great point there. Who is the real owner, as this makes it seem like Roblox didn’t own the sound after all…

This is just going to have to be a change we’re going to have to get used to. I get a lot of people aren’t happy that the oof sound is going away, but you should really be mad at Roblox and not Tommy since they were the ones who stole the sound in the first place.

I just wish there was a better replacement for the oof sound though, the surveys that they sent to us for the oof sound didn’t really provide any favorable options, and because of this, it’s going to be a rough change to adapt to, however, we can’t do anything about it, so we’re just going to have to accept it.

In conclusion, this is a loss that we will have to adapt to, but in the end, if you really think that it’s just a few seconds and Tommy shouldn’t be taking the oof sound away from Roblox because it’s only a few seconds, then you should be able to adapt to the new sound since it’s just a few seconds.

Edit: My reply didn’t answer the second issue, so I’ll edit it to answer it.

As a person who took Band for 3 years, I think this sound pack is worth the money, I won’t buy it, but it’s definetly worth it if you plan on buying it in my opinion. People pay Roblox musicians about 10,000 Robux for an original song, so for someone who can’t afford that, it would be a great deal for them. I mean, people are saying this is too expensive, but if freelancers charge more, then how is it too expensive?

Heck, this deal is a steal, in fact, it can take a musician 2 months to make an original song that’s about 5 minutes, at the minimum, this is 10,000 sounds we are talking about. Although yes, it is weird that we’re going to have to purchase Robux to upload theae sounds, it is still a pretty great deal.

So overall, I think we shouldn’t care about the controversy Tommy was in when it comes to this deal, it’s a great one, and that’s just my opinion.


It’s much cheaper to settle than to actually defend a case in the USA, even if you are sure to win.


Or, if Roblox is innocent, then Roblox standing their ground and not paying the man may be preferred. Again, I don’t know all the facts.

This is not the case, people will still buy it. Roblox has sponsored this update on their developer forum, there are obviously people who will buy it regardless of what others think.