Tommy's Kingdom | Developer Training

Hello, Today I’m going to be sharing a few requirements to become a developer. Also, Please read this if you are already a developer.

  • I am The Head Developer, So it is my job to take care of the Development team and develop, and your job is to Develop and every so often give an idea or two.

  • You must be able to work as a team, we can’t have developers fighting over everything.

  • You Can’t use toolbox for anything. Not just because some people will just spread virus scripts into your game, but because we would have to give credit too all those developers who we just took from.

  • You Get Admin inside of Tommy’s Kingdom, but if it is misused, then you will still be a developer, but with either a lower ranked admin, or no admin depending on what you did.

  • I am a forgiving Head Developer, but i can’t just let people into the team.

  • As A Developer, You must know how to use Roblox Studio and have at least 8 months of experience, or be really good at it.

  • I am very strict about surface lag, You must know how unions work and what their limits are. You must also try to minimize the surface lag, or make it unnoticeable when possible.

  • We need you to be able to tell us what you are doing, so we can keep a steady pace.

  • Developers who encourage others will be rewarded with Extra Robux And Points.

  • Our Game needs to look realistic and professional, so if you are applying for developer, make sure you can do that.

Make sure to message me that you want to if you do want to become a developer.

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