Tommy's Kingdom | Player Handbook

Hello, I am Aidan Plays!!, Lead Developer At Tommy’s Kingdom. Today We are going to go over some things we need you, the player to do in order to maintain sustainability within the Roblox Community.

Link To Tommy’s Kingdom: Tommy's Kingdom - Roblox


Tommy’s Kingdom mainly relies on players joining. If this stops, then it will turn really boring. This is why we don’t like trollers. They take away something we really need to sustain ourselves, and turn it into some sort of rotten joke. That is why we ask that you do not troll.


Here at Tommy’s We also need you to be able to speak properly. Slang language is fine, but at least make it understandable.

That is all you really need to do. This is just a reminder that we are still people and our workers don’t deserve to be trolled.