Tomroblox54321's Lerping Module

Tomroblox54321’s Lerping Module

Tomroblox54321’s Lerping Module is an easy, free to use module that I want to update frequently!

Lerp or Linear Interpolation is an object is changing by color or whatever smoothly, so when lerping a part from white to red first it will be white, then pink and then red.
Just like TweenService!

This module contains 4 base functions right now. This includes CFrame, Position, Orientation and Color.

Code Example for CFrame :

local Module = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService"):WaitForChild("LerpModule By Tomroblox54321"))

Module:SmoothCFrameLerp(game.Workspace.MovingPart, game.Workspace.EndPart.CFrame)

Code Example for Position :

local Module = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService"):WaitForChild("LerpModule By Tomroblox54321"))

Module:SmoothPositionLerp(game.Workspace.MovingPart, game.Workspace.EndPart.Position)

Code Example for Orientation :

local Module = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService"):WaitForChild("LerpModule By Tomroblox54321"))

Module:SmoothOrientationLerp(game.Workspace.MovingPart, game.Workspace.EndPart.CFrame)

Code Example for Color Lerping :

local Module = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService"):WaitForChild("LerpModule By Tomroblox54321"))

Module:SmoothColorLerp(game.Workspace.MovingPart, game.Workspace.EndPart.Color)

Video Links For All Of The Functions In The Module:

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!

Link to the Module : Tomroblox54321’s Lerping Module


The color one might be actually usefull.

You could try adding a duration argument so users can set the duration between the tweens.

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Couldn’t you achieve all of these with a simple for i loop?

Edit: Looking at your source code, that’s all you really did. This module honestly seems useless to publish as a resource because it would take someone only a few minutes to make themselves.


Yes I do now that. I just wanted to make a super easy to use module for lerping in a couple of seconds. I plan to add more complex functions to the module.

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This is kinda useless for cases where other things can be used, but, this is still useful for cases where you want simplicity.

I would be interested if you used tween equations (so like the thing tween service uses)

You can animate and lerp all of these properties with tween service though, isn’t this basically tween service but non-customizeable?

The biggest reason I don’t like tweenservice much is that when I used it for my gun, it completely broke it

@SpiralAPI , @DaDude_89 @SaturdayScandal a resource is a resource. You shouldn’t get bullied for trying to help the community a little bit.

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How and when are they getting bullied? I am giving feedback, that is that.
Although, for the “useless” part, I’m not saying its utterly useless, im saying it’s not useful for a lot of situations that could be replaced with, lets say, tweenservice or other better alternitives.

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You misunderstood “feedback”. “Feedback” means, you help the creator of the resource. And identify solutions of weakness. You only said that it’s “useless” and there’s a better alternative. You did not help the creator of resource at all.

You shouldn’t depend on tweenservice as it has some bugs.


If you added the option to Lerp for models, it would be extremely useful for my development.

I never said you should use tweenservice all the time, I used it as an example. I’m helping them by saying that you could implement more features like tween equations (like quad equations, cubic equations etc)

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Oh. I did not completely read your post, apologies. But lerping is better than tweenservice for reasons. So it’s not really a “better” alternative

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@regexman thanks for standing up for me and being a good friend!

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Well then as for feedback, I’d recommend you add a “time” parameter to your functions so people can set how long the lerping is for, and remove the “Smooth” from all the function names as they are unnecessary extra characters. You should also rename the ModuleScript instance to just “LerpModule” rather than including your name as 1. having spaces in instance names is messy and 2. you can include credits to yourself in the script

Thanks for the feedback will do!

Nobody bullied you. It was constructive criticism, and if you can’t handle that then don’t post your resource here.

But people shouldn’t be saying that your resource is useless and that there is better alternatives. Then that would be somewhat bullying.

In what part of this did I clam this was useless or even mention an alternative?

As far I have seen, you have been given nothing but great feedback. Here is some feedback below.

Feedback/Criticism ~= bullying.

Other people did say some more harsher things like it was useless. I know feedback is not bullying but sometimes harsh feedback is getting close to bullying. @regexman sums it up pretty well in post 9 or 10.

Edit : @DaDude_89 feedback is completely nice and fine.