Tons of errors from Animate script all of a sudden

When I launched Roblox Studio today I noticed when I ran the game that all of the Animate scripts in my game were giving a ton of errors
My horse script gives this error

My cow and pig script gives this

This script is just the regular Animate script without an emote function
I’ve tried modifying the script but couldn’t get it working

Is anyone else having this issue?

Are you able to provide the code segment that is actually erroring?

It’s odd that it’s happening suddenly. Based on the cow and pig script errors, it’s possible that some change was made that removes the need for the rbxassetid:// prefix. If you remove it from the ids, does it work?

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I tried what you said but sadly still an error

Found the solution, I had to replace all of the ids beginning with “rbxassetid://” Because the https link for id’s does not work anymore

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