I have this game that i want to work on, And when i open it in studio, it takes a good 2 minutes to open (I have a good PC so the problem is not the game’s content) and when it does open, it’s very slow and lags when i try to do things (like selecting objects)
I believe the reason is because when i used to work on it a lot, i had a bunch of scripts open and never thought to close them, which is an issue now.
I have tried to search for ways to do this but none have helped, There is one post where someone suggests deleting the “IDE state” of the place, which i have done, but didn’t change anything.
They also suggested just using the “Close All Scripts” thing but that’s just gonna lag and probably just freeze studio and not work.
I would just manually close each script, but that would probably take a few hours since there is a lot of scripts and it freezes for a few seconds every time i close a script
If “Close All Scripts” does not work for you, then I don’t know what will. Upgrade your computer.
You can try running this in the command line, a hacky way to close all scripts:
for _: number, descendant: Instance in game:GetDescendants() do
if descendant:IsA("LuaSourceContainer") == true then
local parent: Instance? = descendant.Parent
descendant.Parent = nil
descendant.Parent = parent
This code just freezes studio (on the place with all the scripts open, also yes i did add a 1 second cooldown to it so it wouldn’t freeze studio but it still did)
I think i would have to have a really good computer to run something like this smoothly, because when i mean a lot of scripts, i don’t mean like 20 or so, i mean like hundreds.
Even if i upgrade my computer, it’s still hard to navigate the scripts when all of them are open.
It doesn’t lag on my other places though, and it closes all the scripts just fine. I don’t think the problem is that it goes through all of the game’s descendants, It’s just that i have too many scripts open in that specific place, so when it does close them it just freezes (i should’ve closed them when i was working on this game a lot but i didn’t really think that would cause lag)