i tried to import a hammer but it has too many triangles. this is the warning: this is the hammer handle without textures:
this is the top without textures: is there a way to lower the triangles for the handle? no message for the head but it never uploaded.
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You can always subdivide them and split them in half and upload different segments and use a weld script like this one or anchor them all together. If it’s for a gear use the weld. To split them go into edit mode right click subdivide cut a portion of where there is like 1/3 left then export it to Roblox. (Other 2/3 must be out of the blender application and only the 1/3) then do command z to go back and keep repeating till you have 3 parts that are easily imported into Roblox.
like loop cuts? sorry im new to blender
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it has no vertices now.
Pretty much, also maybe look up some methods on how to reduce triangles for blender on YouTube.
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ok ill try that
30 = characters
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worked i used decimate then 0.1