Too many zeros | BigInts management module

In the past few days I’ve been facing a problem with numbers bigger than 10000000000000000000000, so, I’ve decided to create a module that manipulates strings instead of the real numbers.

How the module works

On the module, I used something called column-wise addition, subtraction and so on with column-wise. That method is very well know and used on BigInt libraries outside roblox, you can learn or see more about it on the wikipedia!

Module usage

Using the module is very simple, here’s an example:

local TooManyZeros = require(

local MyBigNumber =-"100000000000000000000000")
print(MyBigNumber) -- Prints the input number

local CoolSumCalc = MyBigNumber + 500
print(CoolSumCalc) -- Prints 100000000000000000000500

The module is open-sourced and free to use! Feel free to give or not credits on your game! 😊


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