I’m making a weapon customizer, this really need to store a lot of values, as you can see i have a lot of values to instance, but is there any way to make it easier/another way to create and save values ?
I’m not that experienced with datastore but try making a table that will save everything needed
You could utilize for loops:
for i = 1, 7, 1 do
local Union = instance.new("Color3Value", player)
Union.Name = "Union" .. i
It’s also a good variant, but also i need to save all of this values, that’s going to be a big problem
In my opinion it wouldn’t be difficult, do you already have datastore code?
i’ve got an idea on how to save every value, i’m going to try, i think i can just do:
local success, err = pcall(function()
for _,v in pairs(player:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA(“NumberValue”) or v:IsA(“Color3Value”) or v:IsA(“StringValue”) then
dataStore:SetAsync(player.UserId, v)
And what about loading values?
Smoothing.Value = dataStore:GetAsync(player.UserId)
do i need to getasync for every value?
save it as a table. Use JsonEncode to reduce the size further
how do i save it as table?
30 letters
I’m not sure how your customization is set up, so I’ll provide an example of getting all the baseparts in a model and save their properties to a table
local model
local saveTable = {}
local id = httpService:GenerateGUID(false) --set a unique identifier for the model, or else it will override the existing settings of another weapon
saveTable[id] = {}
for _, part in pairs (model:GetChildren()) do
if part:IsA("BasePart") then
local texture = part:FindFirstChildOfClass("Texture")
if texture then
texture = texture.Texture
saveTable[id][#saveTable[id]+1] = {
Transparency = part.Transparency,
Texture = texture,
Material = part.Material.Name
you can then update the data just once, instead of calling SetAsync for every value, something like
datastore:UpdateAsync("key", function(oldData)
local newData = {}
if oldData then
newData = httpService:JSONDecode(oldData)
newData["Customizations"] = saveTable
local encodedData = httpService:JSONEncode(newData)
return encodedData
I have a question, this code you sent is saving and updating data and how do i load it ?
I haven’t looked at all of your code, and I’m not a PRO at scripting but here’s a loop I used to save my data:
local folder = Instance.new("Folder", player)
folder.Name = "Stats"
local guide = {[1] = "Health",[2] = "Stamina", [3] = "Meelee", [4] = "Sword", [5] = "DevilFruit", [6] = "Gun", [7] = "ArmamentHaki", [8] = "ObservationHaki", [9] = "ConquerorsHaki"}
for i = 1, 9 do
local x = Instance.new("IntValue", folder)
x.Name = guide[i].."Level"
x.Value = 1
local x2 = Instance.new("IntValue", folder)
x2.Name = guide[i].."Exp"
x2.Value = 0
local x3 = Instance.new("IntValue", folder)
x3.Name = guide[i].."MaxExp"
x3.Value = 100
if x2.Value >= x3.Value then
x2.Value = 0
x.Value = x.Value + 1
local success, errorm = pcall(function()
local loadedData = DataStore:GetAsync(player.UserId)
for i, v in pairs(loadedData) do
if folder:FindFirstChild(i) then
folder:FindFirstChild(i).Value = v
if not success then
i mean to use it for my weapons, for example: then player equip tool it will change it color and material
sorry for the late reply
you can load the data whenever the player joins and store their data in a table, then when the player wants to equip the weapon, you can run the customization, below is an example
local allPlayerDatas = {}
local function EquipWeapon(player, id)
local customizationData = allPlayerDatas[player.Name]["Customizations"]
local weaponModel = player.Character:FindFirstChild(id) --assuming the player has the weapon and the weapon is named the same as its unique identifier
if weaponModel and customizationData[id] then --if weapon exist and if it has customization set
for i=1, #customizationData[id] do
if customizationData[id][i]["PartName"] then
local partInWeapon = weaponModel:FindFirstChild(customizationData[id][i]["PartName"])
if partInWeapon then
partInWeapon.Transparency = customizationData[id][i]["Transparency"]
partInWeapon.Material = Enum.Material[customizationData[id][i]["Material"]]
if you have a folder that store and clone weapons whenever the player equip them, clone the weapon first, run the customization, then parent it to the character
Thank you for explaining me a lot of things about datastores! Have a good day / night!
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