Tool animation causing character to tilt and even fall over (problem resolved)

Hello, I was making animations for food tools. Unfortunately, I stumbled upon this glitch that makes the character tilt and sometimes even falls over when walking around while playing the animation. (see clip below) This glitch only happens while the animation is playing!

This is what the tool looks like in the explorer:
All parts are unanchored, CanCollide is false, Massless is true and CanTouch is false…

This is what is inside of the animation script:

If you think you might know what’s wrong then please reply, thank you


Is there a reason why the hamburger has a Humanoid? Does it have its own animation that needs to be separate?

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Maybe The Collide of the burguer Is On, and is colliding with the player torso/rootpart, try disabling it

yes, the tool has a model with it’s own humanoid that plays a separate animation.

I mentioned in the post that all parts in the tool have CanCollide off…

Mmm, i noticed, sorry for no reading Well, maybe you send the script of that little slip showing in the video? (or probably that slip script causing it)

There’s a screenshot of the only script inside the tool in the post.

Is the model of the burger big?

Instead of using a Humanoid, try using an AnimationController. The humanoid is most likely changing the center of mass of the player. Despite the part being set to massless, the humanoid object accounts for the mass.

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