Tool animation doesnt show up on my screen for other players

Hi, so I’ve been trying to look for a way to animate the right arm for guns like snipers where you have to use it to pull the bolt back and such, I found this grip to motor6d script and I edited it a bit so that it would motor6d the gun to the torso rather than the right arm.

But for some reason when I played my game with my friends, the gun would take about a minute or more to actually play the animations, so it would just stay at the original position for a bit.

As you can see by the image above, I joined on my alt to demonstrate. The arms would animate fine, but it was the gun itself that would just stick inside the torso. I saw somewhere that scripts could possibly take a while to work because of certain functions, so I tried to troubleshoot it by putting a “print(“something”)” to see where the code was struggling, but it printed just fine so I’m really not sure what to do.

The script is below,

local motorName = "Handle" 

	local player
	local character
	local humanoid
	local isR15
	local rightHand
	local torso

		if player == nil then
			player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent.Parent)
		if character == nil or character.Parent == nil then
			character = script.Parent.Parent
			humanoid = character.Humanoid
				isR15 = humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15
			torso = isR15 and character:WaitForChild("UpperTorso") or character:WaitForChild("Torso")
			rightHand = isR15 and character:WaitForChild("RightHand") or character:WaitForChild("Right Arm")
		local getWeld = rightHand:WaitForChild("RightGrip")		
		local motor ="Motor6D")
		motor.Name = motorName
		motor.Part0 = character:WaitForChild("Torso")
		motor.Part1 = getWeld.Part1
		--motor.C0 = getWeld.C0
		--motor.C1 = getWeld.C1
		motor.Parent = torso

The “print bruh” is where I tried to see if it got there but it did flawlessly and still didn’t work.

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Perhaps because of load delays usually only a first time thing

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yea probably, but this has happened for all the times that i’ve played my game with my friends

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