Basically as I was animating and implemented the type of sword slash and equip for my game I had realized that the placement of the sword is off in the animation out of no where when I loaded it back up. It is out of place when the player uses the tool as well.
I have tried looking all over the developer hub to see if anyone has similar issues that have been resolved or even looking on YouTube and reddit to see if I can find a possible solution, and I have not so far sadly.
What would I need to do to fix this, would I have to reanimate it all?
Check if the sword’s Motor6D is still attached if not create a new one and see if it fixes it.
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I did but with that happening it had the position changed for some reason like above, would I need to weld it differently or something like that?
I completely misunderstood what you had meant I’m sorry, so I did what you had probably meant and it fixed my issue, but for some odd reason my arm is behind my characters back when I load in with the stick sword? is there a way to solve this issue?
Is the Motor6D connected to the torso or the arm?
the torso, would this be a problem if I animated it with the torso?
No, it should be fine on the torso, if it is connected to the torso then I don’t know how to solve your issue.
i see, yeah it looks like this
but thank you very much for your help, this helps me get billions of steps closer to solving my problem
It looks like the arm got connected to the torso.
Have you connected them together? Maybe a motor6d has linked them.
yes, i connected the motor 6D to the torso and to the handle of the tool because i had animated it with the torso being apart of the weld instead of what people would usually do like the arm
As long as a motor6d or weld isn’t directly connected to the arm I have no clue why that is happening.
Yeah I don’t quite know either, it confuses me haha. I welded the handle to the model of the stick, and motor6D the torso and the handle together. so I have no clue as to why my arm is doing that
so I did a bit of goofing around and got this
when I use this it doesn’t load the sticks animation though
would you know any possible fixes for this?
Is the animation script fine?
And did you move the stick whilst not in animation editor? If so it would have broken the motor6d.
Yes i am not getting any errors out of it, and i used moon animator to make this, so it still moves the arms and stuff but not the stick for some reason now
But when it was how it was at first it would at least move with the sticks animation