I want to play a simple sword slashing animation when the tool is activated. However, while the animation does play properly for me, it doesn’t play for my friend, even though for me - I can see his character doing the animation.
The issue is that the animation is simply only working from my client, and that for others, even though it should work, it just doesn’t appear to play in the first place.
I feel like I have exhausted all possible solutions to this problem of mine, and it feels like I am getting nowhere.
Here is the code which handles the animations:
if isActivated == false then
isActivated = true
local attackAnim = script.Animations.SlashAnim
local loadedAnim = game.Workspace[owner].Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(attackAnim)
isActivated = false
I do preload the animation(s) using ContentProvider, if that helps.
This happened to me and my friend two days ago.
All the animations were playing for he, but for me nothing was happening.
He just re-uploaded the animations and now it works fine.
I hope that this solves your problem.
Hey man, I know your problem. The animations in-game need to be created by the group that the game is under or by the person that has created the game.
is this a group game or your game? Because if it’s your game and he plays it inside the actual game (not in studio) then he will see it. if it’s a group game, you have to set the owner of the animation to the group. If it’s your friend’s game, then he has to upload the animation and when you play it inside the actual game you will see the animation
I reuploaded the animation to the group that hosts the game, and it now works. Thanks so much for the input, i’ve been struggling with this for over a day.