Tool animations messed up (motor6d, moon animator)

I am trying to animate a tool, however the animation in game does not appear the same as the expected animation that I made on moon animator.

Moon animator video:

Gameplay video:

I tried manually changing the motor 6d’s C1 property, but it seems to be different for each animation and it will take forever to manually find the best angle for the C1 property.

M6D.Part0 = character["Right Arm"]
M6D.Part1 = handle
M6D.C0 = character["Right Arm"].RightGripAttachment.CFrame
M6D.C1 = weapon.Grip * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90), 0)
-- I would need to manually change this for every single animation

This only works for some animations and others are distorted. What can I do to fix this?

Or is it not the problem of M6D.C1? Is this a moon animator problem?

I have also encountered this problem before but i do not know how to fix it , and its not a moon animator problem

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I think one way is to when testing, go to your character and play with the M6D object until it fits your expectations. Then screenshot the M6D properties and write it in code.