Tool bug possibly regarding laptops and CTRL key

If I hold down CTRL on the keyboard, the Activated event of any Tool will not fire, but the Deactivated event will always fire. This can break some tools, such as the linkedsword for example; it’ll be on repeat of “swinging”.

I’d normally expect the tools to work even whilst holding the CTRL button.

This happens 100% of the time if I hold the button down.
It occurs in every game.

I use a Windows 10 Laptop. It’s quite hard to play without it because using a trackpad, it’s hard to move around the camera and you would need the CTRL button to help move around the camera as whilst using the A and D buttons on the keyboard, the camera gets locked.

It isn’t game specific, it happens in every game. But, you can test it here:
ToolTest.rbxl (17.7 KB)
Activated and Deactivated should print when you click while holding the tool. If you’re holding CTRL and click, Activated will not print.

You can also test it here:

You can see at the start it swings whilst I don’t hold the CTRL button but if I do hold the CTRL button it stops swinging (at the end).

4/11/2019. (4th November 2019) It could have happened sooner but I’m unsure.


Although maybe odd, the current behavior seems reasonable to me:

  • Easy for an alternate feature using Ctrl-Click that’s not necessarily Tool related.
  • Better to get “stuck” in Deactivated mode than Activated mode.

I’d rather see this documented vs. “fixed”, but if it were “fixed,” I’d rather the fix
be on the side of also masking the Deactivate vs. forcing the Activate w/ Ctrl.

The sword example that you mention seems backwards ala the “repeat” reference–
It seems to me that the more aggressive Deactivate would prevent “repeat.”

Something maybe to do with the Sword’s double-click attack?

Do you have a game where you treat the Ctrl key like the Right-Mouse button in terms
of the camera? (Would be helpful to clarify what you meant by the camera comments.)

Mac related? You mentioned Windows.

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