Tool Clone Problem

Hello! I’ve been trying for weeks to fix this problem. So, I’m trying to close a tool inside my backpack and when I do that the tool is just unusable, It’s an AK47 gun that doesn’t work when equipped. Here’s a screenshot: toolproblem

And this is the script I’m using for the cloning:

local tool = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”).AK47

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer


tool:Clone().Parent = plr.Backpack


Anyone have a solution to this problem? I’ve read multiple topics about this but none of them work.

Maybe try this:

local tool = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”).AK47

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local clonea = tool:Clone()
local cloneb = tool:Clone()
clonea.Parent = plr.Backpack
cloneb.Parent = plr.StarterGear

Didn’t work either. Now it doesn’t even give me the tool.

Can you show me your explorer please?

Union all the parts and name them Handle with a capital H.

Alright I did that, if this is what you mean done

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No, I mean union all the parts a model doesn’t work I don’t think.

I don’t get what you mean. What do you mean by union?

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Union the parts

Name it Handle.

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Thats ok export all the parts and import them back and it will be one meshpart you can use.

Could it be an issue with the welding?

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Oh, can you turn everything into a meshpart and name it Handle.

That’s because your parts are meshes.

And how do I exactly do that? Sorry for this

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Combine all the meshes you’ve created(let’s say you created them in blender, you copy and paste all the meshes into 1 blender file) simply export the meshes then and add the meshes to ROBLOX. Then turn the meshes into a meshpart and name your meshpart, “Handle”.

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You don’t need to apologize, sometimes I need help.